Double monod maximum rate estimation

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I want to model a rate as a double monod, and I have the experimental data of two subtrates in time. I only need to estimate one parameter (maximum rate) and have been checking my notes from 10 years ago, browsing answers here, but none are similar to my case and I don't know how to proceed (I also forgot how these types of fittings are done). I need to use the data of both substrates in time for my rate to make sense, but I cannot understand how to implement that into ODE. Perhaps it's because I shouldn't be using ODE, but I'm just lost. Below are my equations.
Torsten on 26 Jan 2023
Edited: Torsten on 26 Jan 2023
K_s,CH4, K_s,O2, F and MG are known constants ?
And r_max is to be fitted ?

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Accepted Answer

Torsten on 26 Jan 2023
Edited: Torsten on 26 Jan 2023
% Initial guess for rmax
rmax0 = ...;
% Time is a (nx1) vector,
% Sdata is a (nx2) matrix with measurements of c_CH4 (1st column) and c_O2 (2nd column)
Time = ...;
Sdata = ...;
% Call fitting function
[B,Rsdnrm,Rsd,ExFlg,OptmInfo,Lmda,Jmat] = lsqcurvefit(@(x,xdata)MonodKinetics(x,xdata,Sdata),rmax0,Time,Sdata);
% Define kinetic equations
function S = MonodKinetics(rmax, Time, Sdata)
x0 = [Sdata(1,1);Sdata(1,2)]; % (2x1) vector of initial conditions for c_CH4 and c_O2
[T,S] = ode45(@DifEq, Time, x0);
function xdot = DifEq(t, x)
F = ...;
MG = ...;
K_CH4 = ...;
K_O2 = ...;
MTT = rmax*x(1)/(x(1)+K_CH4)*x(2)/(x(2)+K_O2);
R = 0.2*MTT;
xdot = zeros(2,1);
xdot(1) = MG - MTT - F;
xdot(2) = R + MTT;
Maria Teresa Aguirrezabala Campano
Thank you so much! It works, but the fit is not good. I guess my experimental data is not good enough to be trying this.
Torsten on 26 Jan 2023
You should plot the solution curves for several values of the parameter rmax in order to get a feeling in how far this parameter can influence the overall behaviour of C_CH4 and C_O2 if all other parameters remain constant.

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