Euler showing exponential growth instead of steady state: Monod growth equation

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I have a euler model that should be able to reach a steady state, however I am having some difficulty with one of the functions r_x, continually growing with time, instea of getting to the point of a steady state that it should be, and I'm pretty sure it due to how I'm referrring to other functions within the line.
Full Euler loop is:
for i=1:nt
time(i+1) = time(i) + dt;
% Functions to calculate parameter values for each timestep
r_x(i) = Mu_max * f_I * (P(i)/(K_s + P(i))) * X(i);
r_p(i) = r_x(i) * 1/Y_xp;
P_out(i) = P(i) * Overflow / V; %units = mg
X_out(i) = X(i) * Overflow / V; %units = mg
% Rates of change for P, Algae, and Volume
dP(i) = P_in - P_out(i) - r_p(i);
dX(i) = r_x(i) - X_out(i);
% P, Algae and Volume equations
P(i+1) = P(i) + dt * dP(i); % mass P in mg
X(i+1) = X(i) + dt * dX(i); % mass X in mg
% Calculation for Algae concentration at each timestep
X_con(i)= X(i)*1000/V; % Algae concentration vector in mg/L
I've narrowed the issue down to the r_x(i) line, in particular how it requires X(i). I have a feeling matlab doesnt like how I have loops of variables that feed off each other with each timetep, since the value for X(i) is dependent on dX(i), which uses r_x(i).... so you can see my issue.
This is my first time attempting this kind of project, not sure what the best way to address this is?

Answers (1)

Bjorn Gustavsson
Bjorn Gustavsson on 13 Oct 2022
Instead of using this explicit integratin of your coupled (?) odes with Euler's method, you should learn to implement the ODEs in a function and then use any of the built-in tools for ode-integration, for example ode45.
function dPdtdXdt = your_PX_ode(t,PX,other_parameters)
P = PX(1);
X = PX(2);
Mu_max = other_parameters(1);
f_I = other_parameters(2);
K_s = other_parameters(3);
Y_xp = other_parameters(4);
Overflow = other_parameters(5);
r_x = Mu_max * f_I * (P/(K_s + P)) * X;
r_p(i) = r_x * 1/Y_xp;
P_out = P * Overflow / V; %units = mg
X_out = X * Overflow / V; %units = mg
% Rates of change for P, Algae, and Volume
dP = P_in - P_out - r_p;
dX = r_x - X_out;
dPdtdXdt = [dP;
That ode-function you can use with the odeNN-suite of ode-integrating functions. Perhaps something like this:
Mu_m = 12; % You know what values these
f_I = 2^.5*pi;% parameters should have
K_s = exp(3); % the rest of us dont.
Y_xp = exp(-2);
O_f = 12;
other_p = [Mu_m,f_I,K_s,Y_xp,O_f];
PX0 = [0.12,1.32];
t_out = linspace(0,100,201);
[t_o,PX] = ode45(@(t,xp) your_PX_ode(t,xp,other_p),t_out,px0);
That way you separate the problems of the ODE-integration into two separate parts, the definition of the ODE-equations, and then the integration. That is a way preferable structure, since it becomes far easier to isolate where you have your problems.


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