How can I fix "Error in sym/subsref (line 898) R_tilde = builtin('s​ubsref',L_​tilde,Idx)​; ?

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Error is also stated as being in line 43;
Error in Assignment2CodeQuadratic2 (line 43)
KgQ(indiciesQ,indiciesQ) = KgQ(indiciesQ,indiciesQ) + subs(KeQ,[x1Q x2Q x3Q], [xQ(i*2-1)
xQ(i*2) xQ(i*2+1)]); % Ke into Kg contribution
% ENME302-22S2, 21 Sep 2022, linear finite elements demonstration
% Derives the element equations using linear shape functions.
clear;close all;clc;
% % Quadratic shape element:
syms xQ x1Q x2Q x3Q u1Q u2Q u3Q a b c
W = 0.01; % Width [m]
tau0 = 1; % Initial Stiffness [Pa]
tau = (1+0.9*sin((sqrt(2)*pi*xQ)/W))*tau0; % Stiffness Equation
f = 100; % Force Density (N/m^3)
uQ = a*xQ^2 + b*xQ + c; % interpolation function (quadratic here) from Equation 8.16
eqn1Q = subs(uQ,xQ,x1Q) == u1Q; % evaluating at left node, Equation 8.18a
eqn2Q = subs(uQ,xQ,x2Q) == u2Q; % evaluating at left node, Equation 8.18b
eqn3Q = subs(uQ,xQ,x3Q) == u3Q; % evaluating at left node, Equation 8.18c
consQ = solve([eqn1Q eqn2Q eqn3Q], [a b c]); % solve simultaneous equations for constants a, b and c, Equation 8.19
uQ = subs(uQ,[a b c],[consQ.a consQ.b consQ.c]); % substitute/plug into interpolation function, Equation 8.20a
[NQ,~] = coeffs(uQ, [u1Q u2Q u3Q]); % collect coefficients for defining shape functions, Equation 8.20b
N1Q=NQ(1); % N1 = 2*xi^2 - 3*xi + 1;
N2Q=NQ(2); % N2 = -4*xi^2 + 4*xi;
N3Q=NQ(3); % N3 = 2*xi^2 - xi;
% Element equations, Ke*Te=Fe (symbolic):
KeQ = sym(zeros(3)); % element stiffness matrix
FeQ = sym(zeros(3,1)); % element rhs forcing vector
for i = 1:3 % 3 dof for quadratic elements
eleqQ = int(tau*diff(uQ,xQ)*diff(NQ(i),xQ),xQ,x1Q,x3Q) - int(f*NQ(i),xQ,x1Q,x3Q);
[coefQ,~] = coeffs(eleqQ, [u1Q u2Q u3Q]); % collect coefficients
KeQ(i,:) = coefQ(1:3); % coefficients of u1 and u2 and u3
FeQ(i) = -coefQ(4); % remaining terms (not a coefficient of u1, u2 or u3 )
for kk = 2:4:22
% Global equations, Kg*Tg=Fg (numeric):
L = W; % length (mm)
noe = kk; % number of elements
dof = noe+1; % number of degrees of freedom
x = linspace(0,L,dof); % x-coordinates of dof
KgQ = sym(zeros(dof)); % global stiffness matrix
FgQ = sym(zeros(dof,1)); % global rhs forcing vector
for i=1:noe % assemble each set of element equations
indiciesQ = i*2-1:i*2+1;
KgQ(indiciesQ,indiciesQ) = KgQ(indiciesQ,indiciesQ) + subs(KeQ,[x1Q x2Q x3Q], [xQ(i*2-1) xQ(i*2) xQ(i*2+1)]); % Ke into Kg contribution
FgQ(indiciesQ) = FgQ(indiciesQ) + subs(FeQ,[x1Q x2Q x3Q], [xQ(i*2-1) xQ(i*2) xQ(i*2+1)]); % Fe into Fg contribution
% Final equations with boundary conditions, K*Tbc=F (numeric):
Ta = 0; % Dirichlet boundary condition on lhs
FgQ(1) = FgQ(1) - KgQ(1,1)*Ta;
KgQ(1,1) = 1;
FgQ(2) = FgQ(2) - KgQ(2,1)*Ta;
KgQ(2,1) = 0;
KgQ(3,1) = 0;
Tb = 0; % Dirichlet boundary condition on rhs
FgQ(dof) = FgQ(dof) - KgQ(dof,dof)*Tb;
KgQ(dof,dof) = -1;
FgQ(dof-1) = FgQ(dof-1) - KgQ(dof-1,dof)*Tb;
KgQ(dof-1,dof) = 0;
KgQ(dof-2,dof) = 0;
KgQ = double(KgQ);
FgQ = double(FgQ);
% Solve and plot solution:
TbcQ = KgQ\FgQ; % unknown variables, in this case, we have calculated dT/dx|x1 and -dT/dx|x5
TgQ = [Ta;TbcQ(2:dof-1);Tb]; % global vector of displacement values, i.e. replaced for our Dirichlet b.c.s
%Finding Displacement at Middle for each number of elements
loc = find(x==0.005);
displacement(kk) = Tg(loc)*10^3;
Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 1.

Error in indexing (line 1079)
R_tilde = builtin('subsref',L_tilde,Idx);
%Displacement Array
centreDisplacement = displacement(2:4:22) % Removes Zeros from Array
%Relative Error
relError(kk) = abs((centreDisplacement(end)-centreDisplacement(kk))/centreDisplacement(kk))*100;
plot(x*10^3,Tg,'k.-'); xlabel('x (mm)'); ylabel('Deflection (m)');
title("Linear Shape Function Displacement")

Answers (2)

Torsten on 2 Oct 2022
KgQ(indiciesQ,indiciesQ) = KgQ(indiciesQ,indiciesQ) + subs(KeQ,[x1Q x2Q x3Q], [xQ(i*2-1) xQ(i*2) xQ(i*2+1)]); % Ke into Kg contribution
FgQ(indiciesQ) = FgQ(indiciesQ) + subs(FeQ,[x1Q x2Q x3Q], [xQ(i*2-1) xQ(i*2) xQ(i*2+1)]); % Fe into Fg contribution
xQ is a symbolic scalar variable. But you address array elements of xQ (xQ(i*2-1) xQ(i*2) xQ(i*2+1)) which do not exist.
Torsten on 2 Oct 2022
Edited: Torsten on 2 Oct 2022
Then you assume that xQ has dimension at least 2*noe+1 because i runs from 1 to noe. But xQ = linspace(0,L,dof) generates an array with only noe+1 elements.
And if you define xQ = linspace(0,L,dof), you should rename xQ in the list of symbolic variables.

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Star Strider
Star Strider on 2 Oct 2022
Perhaps —
syms xQ
xQ = sym('xQ',[1 3])
xQ = 
xQ2 = xQ(2)
xQ2 = 
See the documentation on sym for details.


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