Create a matrix that changes size according to a variable N

7 views (last 30 days)
I'm working on a project consisting of creating an MPC controller from scratch and the matrices need to be defined in a way where the size can change given a variable N (the prediction Horizon). I've already wirtten the matrices for N=7 but how can I do so for a flexible N input.
The size of the Matrices is given below.
A,B,Q,R, x_min, x_max, u_min, u_max are defined as follow :
A = [1 0.1;0 1]
B = [0.005;0.1]
Q = [1 0;0 1]
R = 0.1
x_min = [-5;-5]
x_max = [5;5]
u_min = -1
u_max = 1

Accepted Answer

patrick1704 on 10 Jul 2022
Well, one option on how to e.g. create your is to do something like this:
Atilde = arrayfun(@(x) A.^x, 0:1:n, 'UniformOutput',false).';
Atilde = vertcat(Atilde{:});
Naturally, doing everything in a for-loop using if-clauses is also an option. It mainly depends on how efficient you need the implementation to be.
wissal zaher
wissal zaher on 11 Jul 2022
Edited: wissal zaher on 11 Jul 2022
For Atilde it worked nicely :)
Bor Btilde I think I have to create a loop .. any ideas ?
And thank you for the reply
Steven Lord
Steven Lord on 11 Jul 2022
Bor Btilde I think I have to create a loop .. any ideas ?
Create a for loop?
You may have heard that "for loops in MATLAB are slow." At one time, years ago, that may have been true. It has become less and less true as we've enhanced the language.
If for loops are the right tool for the job, use them.

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