Create a time array

150 views (last 30 days)
Miguel Albuquerque
Miguel Albuquerque on 30 Jun 2022
Answered: Steven Lord on 30 Jun 2022
Hey guys, thanks in advance.
I have one matrix of data( this is a char data) that has two times : as visible in this figure
'Canal zero_timestamp.mat'
those numbers are: hour-minutes-seconds-miliseconds
I need to produce a time array with duration in seconds between first element of this matrix and the last element(17-11-09_923).
I wanted to conserve the miliseconds, is there anyway?

Accepted Answer

Steven Lord
Steven Lord on 30 Jun 2022
val = string(val);
Convert the string array val into a format the duration function knows how to import.
val = replace(val, '-', ':');
val = replace(val, '_', '.');
d = duration(val)
d = 2×1 duration array
17:10:58 17:11:09
The fractional seconds are present, they're just not displayed with the default display Format. We can change the Format to show them.
d.Format = 'hh:mm:ss.SSS'
d = 2×1 duration array
17:10:58.086 17:11:09.923
Now compute the difference in seconds.
ans = 11.8370

More Answers (2)

Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang on 30 Jun 2022
Edited: Fangjun Jiang on 30 Jun 2022
val = 2×12 char array
'17-10-58_086' '17-11-09_923'
StartEnd = 2×1 datetime array
30-Jun-2022 17:10:58 30-Jun-2022 17:11:09
TimeVector = 1×12 datetime array
30-Jun-2022 17:10:58 30-Jun-2022 17:10:59 30-Jun-2022 17:11:00 30-Jun-2022 17:11:01 30-Jun-2022 17:11:02 30-Jun-2022 17:11:03 30-Jun-2022 17:11:04 30-Jun-2022 17:11:05 30-Jun-2022 17:11:06 30-Jun-2022 17:11:07 30-Jun-2022 17:11:08 30-Jun-2022 17:11:09
ans = 12×12 char array
'17-10-58_086' '17-10-59_086' '17-11-00_086' '17-11-01_086' '17-11-02_086' '17-11-03_086' '17-11-04_086' '17-11-05_086' '17-11-06_086' '17-11-07_086' '17-11-08_086' '17-11-09_086'

Voss on 30 Jun 2022
val = [ ...
'17-10-58_086'; ...
'17-11-09_923'; ...
val = 2×12 char array
'17-10-58_086' '17-11-09_923'
dt = datetime(val,'InputFormat','HH-mm-ss_SSS')
dt = 2×1 datetime array
30-Jun-2022 17:10:58 30-Jun-2022 17:11:09
dt_diff = dt(end)-dt(1)
dt_diff = duration
% the milliseconds are present in dt_diff:
ans = 11.8370
ans = 11837


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