Is it possible to convert Arduino IDE Code (C++ Code) to MATLAB Code by any means? Or does it have to be done manually?

6 views (last 30 days)
I'm trying to translate a C++ Code which is used for Soil Moisture Sensor and Raindrop Sensor to a MATLAB Code. I was hoping to convert the C++ Code to a MATLAB Code through faster means since I have no knowledge in C++ Coding. Following is the code.
const int capteur_D = 4;
const int capteur_A = A0;
int val_analogique;
int soilMoistureValue = 0;
int soilmoisturepercent=0;
void setup() {
pinMode(capteur_D, INPUT);
pinMode(capteur_A, INPUT);
Serial.begin(9600); // open serial port, set the baud rate to 9600 bps
void loop() {
soilMoistureValue = analogRead(A0); //put Sensor insert into soil
if(digitalRead(capteur_D) == LOW)
Serial.println("Digital value : wet");
Serial.println("Digital value : dry");
Serial.print("Analog value : ");

Answers (1)

Deep on 13 Sep 2024
Hi Octavo,
As per my understanding, you're looking to convert Arduino C++ code to MATLAB code for a soil moisture sensor and raindrop sensor. While I could not find any automated tool for converting Arduino code to MATLAB, I can help you find the equivalent functions in MATLAB for manually translating the code.
The Arduino code you provided initializes sensors and reads their values using functions like "pinMode", "analogRead", "digitalRead", and "Serial.println". In MATLAB, you can achieve similar functionality using the MATLAB Support Package for Arduino Hardware, which provides functions to interact with Arduino.
  1. "pinMode": In MATLAB, you can use "configurePin" to explicitly set pin modes for analog or digital pins. Documentation:
  2. "analogRead": This can be replaced with "readVoltage" in MATLAB. Documentation:
  3. "digitalRead": Use "readDigitalPin" in MATLAB to read digital inputs. Documentation:
  4. "Serial.begin": For serial communication in MATLAB, use "serialport". Documentation:
  5. "Serial.println": Use "fprintf" to print values to the console in MATLAB. Documentation:
  6. "delay": In MATLAB, you can use "pause" to introduce delays. Documentation:
To set up your Arduino with MATLAB, you'll first need to install the MATLAB Support Package for Arduino Hardware. For more detailed information on interfacing MATLAB with Arduino, you can refer to the following page:
I hope this helps!


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