C++, Javascript, MATLAB
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Selecting from database using multiple conditions (SQL)
To fetch data from a database with dynamic conditions, you can use either a simple approach for a few conditions or a scalable a...
1 dag ago | 0
MATLAB Error fitting Stable distribution to data - Help?
Optimization Toolbox is required for using the 'Stable' distribution with 'fitdist'. If the toolbox is already installed, I sugg...
2 dagen ago | 0
Scope doesn't open in pop-up style.
You can right click the scope tab and perform an "Undock" action to see your scope in pop-up style. Refer to this documentati...
2 dagen ago | 0
Keras failed to import on Virutal Machine in Matlab, but I followed same procedure on my local machine and it worked on my local machine
This is likely due to a version difference of Keras/Tensorflow between your local machine and your Azure machine. To ensure cons...
2 dagen ago | 0
how to play random wav files from one folder with one pushbutton?
To implement random playback of .wav files, start by adding a private property like audioPlayer to store the audio object and cu...
2 dagen ago | 0
Alarm Clock Using Arduino
For the snooze button, check if it is pressed and use the "pause" function to delay the buzzer for 4 seconds. For the off button...
2 dagen ago | 0
How to run a python script with an open terminal window on a mac?
On a Windows-based system, doing a !<shell-command> & will launch a terminal window to execute the shell command, which is wh...
2 dagen ago | 0
How to get LUT values from the NCO object?
The documentation for "dsp.NCO" states that it uses the same algorithm as the NCO block, as stated here: https://www.mathworks.c...
2 dagen ago | 0
How to run .net app with using matlab dll?
The encountered "MATLABNotAvailableException" error suggests that your PATH environment variable might not be set correctly to f...
21 dagen ago | 0
ToolBox - Help Page - HTML Management
It seems that using "matlab:web(-path-to-local-html-file-)" will always open the link in a new tab. According to the documentati...
23 dagen ago | 0
Mask port locations - can't move the port to top or bottom of mask (could easily drag them to convenient location before masking)
It seems that after masking a subsystem in MATLAB, one cannot move the ports to the top or bottom of the block. This feature is ...
23 dagen ago | 0
What is the difference between Permute Dimensions and Transpose blocks in discrete systems?
The following analysis is specifically focused on the transposition of 2D matrices. I performed a C code generation with maximum...
ongeveer 2 maanden ago | 0
GA multi-objective optmization
Unfortunately I cannot find a way to accomplish this in MATLAB R2017a. However, starting from MATLAB R2021a, to handle integer c...
ongeveer 2 maanden ago | 0
How to export the results of optimization by optimization toolbox to excel
To handle Excel data in MATLAB, use the "readtable" function to import data and the "writetable" function to export results. For...
ongeveer 2 maanden ago | 0
MCR 8.3 or 8.4 installers do not work
This MATLAB Answer discusses the same issue for an MCR release nearly as old as the one you are looking for (as the question was...
ongeveer 2 maanden ago | 0
how to run simulink and matlab project with python? for example : video processing fr(om matlab will used in python
The following resources should be helpful: Install MATLAB Engine API for Python: https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/matlab_e...
ongeveer 2 maanden ago | 0
Pretrained deep net (Vgg-F)
The error you're encountering is because the network loaded is a struct, not a "SeriesNetwork" or "DAGNetwork" object, which the...
ongeveer 2 maanden ago | 0
unable to download Matlab trail
When I tried downloading the MATLAB trial version on my side, I initially got redirected once, but it worked the second time. If...
ongeveer 2 maanden ago | 0
Can we generate C++ code from Simulink models from bash or PowerShell command line?
You can execute matlab code non-interactively using the command line with the "-batch" commandline option. Create a MATLAB scrip...
ongeveer 2 maanden ago | 0
Distinguish incomplete and complete triangles from a given image and display their respective numbers
You can start by identifying all polygons through the calculation of connected components. This can be achieved using the "bwcon...
ongeveer 2 maanden ago | 0
MATLAB code for counting number of children and adult in a video
Assuming there is no perspective distortion, a reliable method to differentiate between children and adults in an image is by us...
ongeveer 2 maanden ago | 0
How to get Precision, Recall,ROC,F_Mesure?
The function "perfcurve" accepts 3 arguments: a vector of classifier predictions, given true class labels, and the positive clas...
3 maanden ago | 0
Record 2 USB video at the same time
When recording video from USB cameras, using a timer can lead to inaccuracies in the video duration. Timers in MATLAB can be unr...
3 maanden ago | 0
Save 3d surface plot as u3d or .ply file
To save a 3D surface plot as a .PLY file from your given "Surface" object "M", you can use the "pcwrite" function (https://www.m...
3 maanden ago | 0
A* algorithm for network traffic congestion
To implement the A* algorithm for route forecasting with less network traffic congestion in MATLAB R2018a, you can use resources...
3 maanden ago | 0
Instantiate a Java Class and call Matlab Engine API for Java in the same session
This workflow is supported starting with MATLAB R2021b. You can find more details in the version history here: https://www.mathw...
3 maanden ago | 0
How can I obtain the variability of different values of a categorical variable by separating into strata?
I believe your equation is missing the category variable "Material" as a random effect, adding which will allow you to capture v...
3 maanden ago | 0
Connection via TCP/IP with Arduino nano 33iot and Simulink
The error you experienced suggests that the already running simulation disconnects from the Arduino when you attempt to establis...
3 maanden ago | 0
Why are some commands blocked in Matlab Grader, e.g. system?
MATLAB Grader restricts certain commands for the purpose of cheating prevention and security reasons. These commands can alter t...
3 maanden ago | 0
connect Simulink with Arduino using Simulink Arduino support package
Communicating with pins on an Arduino from Simulink is typically done using Connected IO mode, which you can learn more about at...
3 maanden ago | 0