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Converting Numeric Dates in Matlab does not work

1 view (last 30 days)
I have a date column in my table with dates in numeric format, e.g. one date might look like this: 738570
When I try to convert it like this:
table1.Date = date(table1.Date)
I get this error:
Error using date Too many input arguments
Stephen23 on 3 Mar 2022
The DATE function does not accept any input arguments:
What do you expect to happen when you call a function with more input arguments than it accepts?
Metin Akyol
Metin Akyol on 3 Mar 2022
Makes sense. I ended up trying that after I got this error with Datetime:
Numeric Input data must be a matrix with three or six columns ....

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Accepted Answer

KSSV on 3 Mar 2022
Edited: KSSV on 3 Mar 2022
table1.Date = datestr(table1.Date)
table1.Date = datetime(datevec(table1.Date))

More Answers (1)

Steven Lord
Steven Lord on 3 Mar 2022
Another way to do this is to convery the serial date number to a datetime using the 'ConvertFrom' name-value pair argument.
x = 738570;
dt = datetime(x, 'ConvertFrom', 'datenum')
dt = datetime
Let's check, since a datenum is the "Number of days since 0-Jan-0000 (proleptic ISO calendar)."
check = datetime(0, 1, 0) + caldays(x) % x calendar days after 0-Jan-0000
check = datetime




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