bitget function working explanation needed
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Manu Chaudhary
on 15 Jan 2022
Answered: Steven Lord
on 15 Jan 2022
I am completely new to matlab. I am really not able to understand bitget.
The sample code given on the matlab website is:
a1 = intmax('int8');
a2 = intmax('uint8');
b1 = bitget(a1,8:-1:1)
This code is giving me output as
b1 =
1×8 int8 row vector
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Even after seeing the output, I am not being able to interpret the working of bitget. It would be great if someone can explain me this.
Accepted Answer
Steven Lord
on 15 Jan 2022
Here's an unsigned 8-bit integer.
x = 0b10011010u8 % x is 10011010
The lowest order bit of x is 0. This makes sense since x is even.
bitget(x, 1)
The next three highest order bits (bits 4, 3, and 2) are 1, 0, and 1 respectively.
bitget(x, [4 3 2])
Here are all the bits.
bitget(x, 8:-1:1) % x's binary representation is 10011010
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