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What is this code is trying to do

1 view (last 30 days)
Can you explain what this code is trying to do?
rot=[2,4,7,3,1,5,6,8]; disp(rot); for i=1:8 rot=mod(rot,8); rot=[rot(8)+1,rot(1:7)+1]; disp(rot); end

Accepted Answer

Yusuf Suer Erdem
Yusuf Suer Erdem on 25 Nov 2021
disp(rot); %%% Display rot matrix
for i=1:8 %%% this loop will turn 8 times
rot=mod(rot,8); %%% After this operation rot matrix will be---->[2,4,7,3,1,5,6,0] because we are taking its mod according to 8
%%% Each time rot matrix will be renewed (8 times)
rot=[rot(8)+1,rot(1:7)+1]; %%% 'rot(8) + 1' means add rot matrix 8th member 1 (8 times)
%%% 'rot(1:7) + 1' means write rot matrix ' s members 1 to 7 and add 1 to each of them (8 times)
disp(rot); %%% display the final rot matrix (8 times)
Rik on 25 Nov 2021
I would also add that circshift would probably be more efficient, and since the number of shifts is equal to the number of elements, the shifts are only there for display purposes. Without the disp statements the loop would be equivalent to:
The +8 can even be removed, as x+8 mod 8 is equivalent to x mod 8.
Nicle Davidson
Nicle Davidson on 25 Nov 2021
Thank you to both answers.

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