How can I update or reactivate my Campus-Wide License?

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The Campus-Wide License has been updated or renewed. How can I update or reactivate my Campus-Wide License?

Accepted Answer

MathWorks Support Team
MathWorks Support Team on 30 Jan 2024
Edited: MathWorks Support Team on 30 Jan 2024
If the Campus-Wide License you are using has been renewed, you will need to update your license information to continue using MATLAB. The license information update process depends on the license offering you are using.


  1. Make sure the computer is connected to the internet
  2. Launch MATLAB
  3. If a license expiration error appears, close MATLAB and then attempt to launch it again
  4. If prompted to sign in with your MathWorks account or SSO credentials, please do so


Designated Computer
Follow the steps in the article below to reactivate the license file used by MathWorks products.
How do I activate MATLAB or other MathWorks Products?


Contact the person(s) maintaining the Network License Manager and ask them to update its license file. If you are unsure who is maintaining the Network License Manager, please reach out to one of your License Administrators. If you're unsure who your License Administrators are, see the link below.
Who is my License Administrator?
If you are the person maintaining the Network License Manager, see the link below to update the Network License Manager's license file.
How do I update the license file used by the Network License Manager?
The license file used by the end user does not need to be updated for Concurrent users, unless the server hosting the Network License Manager has changed or the main port the Network License Manager uses has changed.

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