Plot solution or surface mesh for 3-D problem
plots the von Mises stress and shows the deformed shape for a 3-D structural
analysis problem.
plots the temperature at nodal locations for a 3-D thermal analysis
plots the electric potential at nodal locations for a 3-D electrostatic analysis
plots the solution at nodal locations.
plots the surface
mesh specified in model
. This syntax does not work with an
plots the surface mesh, the data at nodal locations, or both the mesh and data,
depending on the Name,Value
pair arguments. Use any
arguments from the previous syntaxes.
returns a handle to a plot, using any of the previous syntaxes.h
= pdeplot3D(___)
Deformed Shape for Cantilever Beam Problem
Create an femodel
object for static structural analysis and include the geometry of a beam.
model = femodel(AnalysisType="structuralStatic", ... Geometry="SquareBeam.stl");
Plot the geometry.
Specify Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio.
model.MaterialProperties = ... materialProperties(PoissonsRatio=0.3, ... YoungsModulus=210E3);
Specify that face 6 is a fixed boundary.
model.FaceBC(6) = faceBC(Constraint="fixed");
Specify the surface traction for face 5.
model.FaceLoad(5) = faceLoad(SurfaceTraction=[0;0;-2]);
Generate a mesh and solve the problem.
model = generateMesh(model); R = solve(model);
Plot the deformed shape with the von Mises stress using the default scale factor. By default, pdeplot3D
internally determines the scale factor based on the dimensions of the geometry and the magnitude of deformation.
figure pdeplot3D(R.Mesh, ... ColorMapData=R.VonMisesStress, ... Deformation=R.Displacement)
Plot the same results with the scale factor 500.
figure pdeplot3D(R.Mesh, ... ColorMapData=R.VonMisesStress, ... Deformation=R.Displacement, ... DeformationScaleFactor=500)
Plot the same results without scaling.
pdeplot3D(R.Mesh, ...
von Mises Stress for 3-D Structural Dynamic Problem
Evaluate the von Mises stress in a beam under a harmonic excitation.
Create and plot a beam geometry.
gm = multicuboid(0.06,0.005,0.01);
Create an femodel
for transient structural analysis and include the geometry.
model = femodel(AnalysisType="structuralTransient", ... Geometry=gm);
Specify Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, and the mass density of the material.
model.MaterialProperties = ... materialProperties(YoungsModulus=210E9, ... PoissonsRatio=0.3, ... MassDensity=7800);
Fix one end of the beam.
model.FaceBC(5) = faceBC(Constraint="fixed");
Apply a sinusoidal displacement along the y-direction on the end opposite the fixed end of the beam.
yDisplacementFunc = ...
@(location,state) ones(size(location.y))*1E-4*sin(50*state.time);
model.FaceBC(3) = faceBC(YDisplacement=yDisplacementFunc);
Generate a mesh.
model = generateMesh(model,Hmax=0.01);
Specify the zero initial displacement and velocity.
model.CellIC = cellIC(Displacement=[0;0;0],Velocity=[0;0;0]);
Solve the model.
tlist = 0:0.002:0.2; R = solve(model,tlist);
Evaluate the von Mises stress in the beam.
vmStress = evaluateVonMisesStress(R);
Plot the von Mises stress for the last time-step.
pdeplot3D(R.Mesh,ColorMapData = vmStress(:,end))
title("von Mises Stress in the Beam for the Last Time-Step")
Solve Steady-State Thermal Problem
Solve a 3-D steady-state thermal problem.
Create an femodel
object for a steady-state thermal problem and include a geometry representing a block.
model = femodel(AnalysisType="thermalSteady", ... Geometry="Block.stl");
Plot the block geometry.
pdegplot(model.Geometry, ... FaceLabels="on", ... FaceAlpha=0.5) axis equal
Assign material properties.
model.MaterialProperties = ...
Apply a constant temperature of 100 °C to the left side of the block (face 1) and a constant temperature of 300 °C to the right side of the block (face 3). All other faces are insulated by default.
model.FaceBC(1) = faceBC(Temperature=100); model.FaceBC(3) = faceBC(Temperature=300);
Mesh the geometry and solve the problem.
model = generateMesh(model); thermalresults = solve(model)
thermalresults = SteadyStateThermalResults with properties: Temperature: [12822x1 double] XGradients: [12822x1 double] YGradients: [12822x1 double] ZGradients: [12822x1 double] Mesh: [1x1 FEMesh]
The solver finds the temperatures and temperature gradients at the nodal locations. To access these values, use thermalresults.Temperature
, thermalresults.XGradients
, and so on. For example, plot temperatures at the nodal locations.
Heat Flux for 3-D Steady-State Thermal Problem
For a 3-D steady-state thermal problem, evaluate heat flux at the nodal locations and at the points specified by x
, y
, and z
Create an femodel
object for steady-state thermal analysis and include a block geometry in the model.
model = femodel(AnalysisType="thermalSteady", ... Geometry="Block.stl");
Plot the geometry.
pdegplot(model.Geometry,FaceLabels="on",FaceAlpha=0.5) title("Copper block, cm") axis equal
Assuming that this is a copper block, the thermal conductivity of the block is approximately .
model.MaterialProperties = ...
Apply a constant temperature of 373 K to the left side of the block (face 1) and a constant temperature of 573 K to the right side of the block (face 3).
model.FaceBC(1) = faceBC(Temperature=373); model.FaceBC(3) = faceBC(Temperature=573);
Apply a heat flux boundary condition to the bottom of the block.
model.FaceLoad(4) = faceLoad(Heat=-20);
Mesh the geometry and solve the problem.
model = generateMesh(model); R = solve(model)
R = SteadyStateThermalResults with properties: Temperature: [12822x1 double] XGradients: [12822x1 double] YGradients: [12822x1 double] ZGradients: [12822x1 double] Mesh: [1x1 FEMesh]
Evaluate heat flux at the nodal locations.
[qx,qy,qz] = evaluateHeatFlux(R); figure pdeplot3D(R.Mesh,FlowData=[qx qy qz])
Create a grid specified by x
, y
, and z
coordinates, and evaluate heat flux to the grid.
[X,Y,Z] = meshgrid(1:26:100,1:6:20,1:11:50); [qx,qy,qz] = evaluateHeatFlux(R,X,Y,Z);
Reshape the qx
, qy
, and qz
vectors, and plot the resulting heat flux.
qx = reshape(qx,size(X)); qy = reshape(qy,size(Y)); qz = reshape(qz,size(Z)); figure quiver3(X,Y,Z,qx,qy,qz)
Alternatively, you can specify the grid by using a matrix of query points.
querypoints = [X(:) Y(:) Z(:)]'; [qx,qy,qz] = evaluateHeatFlux(R,querypoints); qx = reshape(qx,size(X)); qy = reshape(qy,size(Y)); qz = reshape(qz,size(Z)); figure quiver3(X,Y,Z,qx,qy,qz)
Solve 3-D Electrostatic Problem
Solve an electromagnetic problem and find the electric potential and field distribution for a 3-D geometry representing a plate with a hole.
Create an femodel
object for electrostatic analysis and include a geometry representing a plate with a hole.
model = femodel(AnalysisType="electrostatic", ... Geometry="PlateHoleSolid.stl");
Plot the geometry.
Specify the vacuum permittivity in the SI system of units.
model.VacuumPermittivity = 8.8541878128E-12;
Specify the relative permittivity of the material.
model.MaterialProperties = ...
Specify the charge density for the entire geometry.
model.CellLoad = cellLoad(ChargeDensity=5E-9);
Apply the voltage boundary conditions on the side faces and the face bordering the hole.
model.FaceBC(3:6) = faceBC(Voltage=0); model.FaceBC(7) = faceBC(Voltage=1000);
Generate the mesh.
model = generateMesh(model);
Solve the model.
R = solve(model)
R = ElectrostaticResults with properties: ElectricPotential: [4747x1 double] ElectricField: [1x1 FEStruct] ElectricFluxDensity: [1x1 FEStruct] Mesh: [1x1 FEMesh]
Plot the electric potential.
figure pdeplot3D(R.Mesh,ColorMapData=R.ElectricPotential)
Plot the electric field.
pdeplot3D(R.Mesh,FlowData=[R.ElectricField.Ex ... R.ElectricField.Ey ... R.ElectricField.Ez])
Solution Plot on Surface
Plot a PDE solution on the geometry surface. First, create a PDE model and import a 3-D geometry file. Specify boundary conditions and coefficients. Mesh the geometry and solve the problem.
model = createpde; importGeometry(model,"Block.stl"); applyBoundaryCondition(model,"dirichlet",Face=1:4,u=0); specifyCoefficients(model,m=0,d=0,c=1,a=0,f=2); generateMesh(model); results = solvepde(model)
results = StationaryResults with properties: NodalSolution: [12822x1 double] XGradients: [12822x1 double] YGradients: [12822x1 double] ZGradients: [12822x1 double] Mesh: [1x1 FEMesh]
Plot the solution at the nodal locations on the geometry surface.
u = results.NodalSolution; msh = results.Mesh; pdeplot3D(msh,ColorMapData=u)
3-D Mesh Plot
Import a geometry and generate a linear mesh.
gm = fegeometry("Tetrahedron.stl"); gm = generateMesh(gm,Hmax=20,GeometricOrder="linear");
Plot the mesh.
mesh = gm.Mesh; pdeplot3D(mesh)
Alternatively, you can use the nodes and elements of the mesh as input arguments for pdeplot3D
Display the node labels on the surface of a simple mesh.
Display the element labels.
Input Arguments
— Model container
object | ThermalModel
object | StructuralModel
object | ElectromagneticModel
Model container, specified as a PDEModel
object, or
— Mesh description
Mesh description, specified as an FEMesh
— Nodal coordinates
3-by-NumNodes matrix
Nodal coordinates, specified as a 3-by-NumNodes matrix. NumNodes is the number of nodes.
— Element connectivity matrix in terms of node IDs
4-by-NumElements matrix | 10-by-NumElements matrix
Element connectivity matrix in terms of the node IDs, specified as a 4-by-NumElements or 10-by-NumElements matrix. Linear meshes contain only corner nodes. For linear meshes, the connectivity matrix has four nodes per 3-D element. Quadratic meshes contain corner nodes and nodes in the middle of each edge of an element. For quadratic meshes, the connectivity matrix has 10 nodes per 3-D element.
Name-Value Arguments
Specify optional pairs of arguments as
, where Name
the argument name and Value
is the corresponding value.
Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the
pairs does not matter.
Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose
in quotes.
Example: pdeplot3D(model,NodeLabels="on")
— Data to plot as colored surface
column vector
Data to plot as a colored surface, specified as the comma-separated
pair consisting of "ColorMapData"
and a column vector
with the number of elements that equals the number of points in the
mesh. Typically, this data is the solution returned by solvepde
for a scalar PDE
problem and a component of the solution for a multicomponent PDE
Example: ColorMapData=results.NodalSolution
Example: ColorMapData=results.NodalSolution(:,1)
Data Types: double
— Data for quiver plot
Data for the quiver plot,
specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of
and an
matrix, where
is the number of mesh nodes.
contains the x,
y, and z values of the field
at the mesh points. Set FlowData
as follows:
results = solvepde(model); [cgradx,cgrady,cgradz] = evaluateCGradient(results); pdeplot3D(results.Mesh,FlowData=[cgradx cgrady cgradz])
plots the real part of complex
Example: FlowData=[cgradx cgrady
Data Types: double
— Indicator to show mesh
(default) | "on"
Indicator to show the mesh, specified as the comma-separated pair
consisting of "Mesh"
and "on"
. Specify "on"
to show
the mesh in the plot.
Example: Mesh="on"
Data Types: char
| string
— Node labels
(default) | "on"
Node labels, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of
and "off"
Example: NodeLabels="on"
Data Types: char
| string
— Element labels
(default) | "on"
Element labels, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of
and "off"
Example: ElementLabels="on"
Data Types: char
| string
— Surface transparency for 3-D geometry
(default) | real number from 0
through 1
Surface transparency for 3-D geometry, specified as a real number from 0
through 1
. The default value 1
indicates no
transparency. The value 0
indicates complete transparency.
Example: FaceAlpha=0.5
Data Types: double
— Deformed shape for structural analysis models
object representing displacement values
at nodes
Deformed shape for structural analysis models, specified as the
comma-separated pair consisting of Deformation
the FEStruct
object representing displacement values
at nodes. The displacement FEStruct
object is a
property of StaticStructuralResults
, TransientStructuralResults
, and FrequencyStructuralResults
In an undeformed shape, center nodes in quadratic meshes are always added at half-distance between corners. When you plot a deformed shape, the center nodes might move away from the edge centers.
Example: Deformation=results.Displacement
— Scaling factor for plotting deformed shape
positive number
Scaling factor for plotting the deformed shape, specified as the
comma-separated pair consisting of
and a positive number. Use
this argument together with the Deformation
name-value pair argument. The pdeplot3D
chooses the default value based on the geometry itself and on the
magnitude of deformation.
Example: DeformationScaleFactor=1000
Data Types: double
Output Arguments
— Handles to graphics objects
Handles to graphics objects, returned as a vector.
Version History
Introduced in R2015aR2023a: Finite element model
accepts the femodel
object that defines structural mechanics, thermal, and electromagnetic
R2021b: Electromagnetic Analysis
You can now plot electromagnetic results, such as electric and magnetic potentials, fields, and fluxes.
R2020a: Improved performance for plots with many text labels
shows faster rendering and better responsiveness for
plots that display many text labels. Code containing
no longer returns labels on
figures produced by pdeplot3d
R2018a: Highlighting particular nodes and elements on mesh plots
accepts node and element IDs as input arguments,
letting you highlight particular nodes and elements on mesh plots.
R2017b: Structural Analysis
You can now plot structural results, such as displacements, stresses, and strains.
R2017a: Thermal Analysis
You can now plot thermal results, such as temperatures and temperature gradients.
R2016b: Transparency, node and element labels
You can now set plot transparency by using FaceAlpha
, and
display node and element labels by using NodeLabels
, respectively.
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