Camera Views
Viewpoint positioning
Change the camera view in a scene to alter the angle, distance, and perspective from which it is viewed.
Axes Properties | Axes appearance and behavior |
Tools Workflow
- Control View Using Camera Toolbar
The Camera toolbar enables you to perform a number of viewing operations interactively.
Programmatic Workflow
- Camera Graphics Terminology
Graphics provides functionality, analogous to that of a camera with a zoom lens, that enables you to control the view of the scene. - Understanding View Projections
Graphics supports both orthographic and perspective projection types for displaying 3-D graphics. The one you select depends on the type of graphics you are displaying. - Low-Level Camera Properties
Camera graphics is based on a group of axes properties that control the position and orientation of the camera. - Setting the Viewpoint with Azimuth and Elevation
You can control the orientation of axes using graphics functions. - Dollying the Camera
function allows you to move both the position of the camera and the position of the camera target in unison. - Moving the Camera Through a Scene
This example shows how to move a camera along a path traced by a stream line and how to move a light source with the camera. - Manipulating Axes Aspect Ratio
There are several axes properties that control the aspect ratio. Set these properties to achieve the effect you want.