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Decision tree ensemble mapping function for nonlinear ARX models (requires Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox)

Since R2021b


An idTreeEnsemble object implements a decision tree ensemble model, and is a nonlinear mapping function for estimating nonlinear ARX models. This mapping object incorporates regression tree ensembles that the mapping function creates using Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox™. Unlike most other mapping objects for idnlarx models, which typically contain offset, linear, and nonlinear components, the idTreeEnsemble model contains only a nonlinear component.

Diagram of an idTreeEnsemble object, showing an input, ensemble of trees, and output.

Mathematically, the idTreeEnsemble object maps m inputs x(t) = [x1(t),x2(t),…,xm(t)]T to a scalar output y(t) using a decision tree regression ensemble model.


  • x(t) is an m-by-1 vector of inputs, or regressors.

  • y(t) is the scalar output.

For more information about creating regression tree ensembles, see fitrensemble (Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox).

Use idTreeEnsemble as the value of the OutputFcn property of an idnlarx model. For example, specify idTreeEnsemble when you estimate an idnlarx model with the following command.

sys = nlarx(data,regressors,idTreeEnsemble)
When nlarx estimates the model, it essentially estimates the parameters of the idTreeEnsemble object.

You can configure the idTreeEnsemble function to set options and fix parameters. To modify the estimation options, set the option property in E.EstimationOptions, where E is the idTreeEnsemble object. For example, to change the fit method to 'lsboost-resampled', use E.EstimationOptions.FitMethod = 'lsboost-resampled'. To fix the values of an existing estimated idTreeEnsemble during subsequent nlarx estimations, set the Free property to false. To apply parallel processing, set E.EstimationOptions.UseParallel to true. Use evaluate to compute the output of the function for a given vector of regressor inputs.



E = idTreeEnsemble creates an empty idTreeEnsemble object E with the default estimation fit method of 'bag'. The number of regressor inputs is determined during model estimation and the number of idTreeEnsemble outputs is 1.


E = idTreeEnsemble(fitmethod) sets the ensemble estimation method to the value in fitmethod.

Input Arguments

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Method to use for estimating the parameters of the idTreeEnsemble model, specified as 'bag', 'lsboost-reweighted', or 'lsboost-resampled'.

This argument sets the property E.EstimationOptions.FitMethod. For more information, see Estimation Options.


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Input signal names for the inputs to the mapping object, specified as a 1-by-m cell array, where m is the number of input signals. This property is determined during estimation.

Output signal name for the output of the mapping object, specified as a 1-by-1 cell array. This property is determined during estimation.

Option to update the parameters of RegressionEnsembleModel during nonlinear ARX model estimation, specified as true or false. When free is true, the estimation process updates the ensemble model when it estimates the idnlarx model that contains it. When free is false, the ensemble model is fixed during estimation. Setting free to false is useful when you are using a previously estimated ensemble model as a mapping function for nlarx.

Estimation options for the idTreeEnsemble model, specified as follows. For more information on any of these options, see the corresponding name-value argument in fitrensemble (Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox).

Main OptionDescription

Method to use for estimating the parameters of the idTreeEnsemble model, specified as one of the items in the following table.

Option Description

Bagging (bootstrap aggregation) (default)


Least-squares boosting with reweighting


Least-squares boosting with resampling


Options that control the estimation of individual regression trees (weak learners) in the ensemble, specified as described in the following table. For more information on these properties, see the corresponding argument descriptions in templateTree (Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox).

MaxNumSplitsMaximum number of decision splits, or branch nodes, per tree, specified as 'auto' or a positive integer.'auto'
MergeLeavesOption to merge leaves that originate from the same parent node and that provide a sum of risk values greater than or equal to the risk associated with the parent node, specified as 'on' or 'off'. Node risk is defined as the node error weighted by the node probability.'off'
MinLeafSizeMinimum number of observations per leaf, specified as positive integer.5

Algorithm used to select the best split predictor at each node, specified as one of the following:

  • 'allsplits'

  • 'curvature'

  • 'interaction-curvature'

For more information on these choices, see the corresponding argument in templateTree (Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox).

PruneFlag to estimate the optimal sequence of pruned subtrees, specified as 'off' or 'on'.'off'
QuadraticErrorToleranceQuadratic error tolerance per node, specified as a positive scalar. A regression tree stops splitting nodes when the weighted mean squared error per node drops below QuadraticErrorTolerance*ε, where ε is the weighted mean squared error of all n responses computed before growing the decision tree.1e-6
LearnRateLearning rate for shrinkage, specified as a numerical scalar in the interval (0,1]. To train an ensemble using shrinkage, set LearnRate to a value less than 1. For example, 0.1 is a popular choice. Training an ensemble using shrinkage requires more learning iterations, but can achieve better accuracy. The default value is 1.
NumLearningCyclesNumber of ensemble learning cycles, specified as a positive integer. The default value is 100.

ObservationWeights — Observation weights, specified as [] or as a numeric column vector of length n, where n is the number of observations. The software weights each observation with the corresponding value in ObservationWeights. When ObservationWeights is set to [], all observations get equal weight. The default value is [].


ResampleData — Option to resample the data, specified as 'on' (default) or 'off'.

  • If FitMethod is set to 'bag', then ResampleData must be set to 'on'.

  • If FitMethod is set to 'lsboost-reweighted', then ResampleData has no effect.


ResampleFraction — Fraction of training set to resample, specified as a positive scalar in (0,1].

  • If FitMethod is set to 'lsboost-reweighted', then ResampleFraction has no effect.


ReplaceData — Option to sample with replacement, specified as 'on' (default) or 'off'. This property has an effect only if either FitMethod is set to 'bag' or ResampleData is set to 'on' and FitMethod is set to 'lsboost-resampled'.


Regularize — Option to find optimal weights for learners, specified as 'on' (default) or 'off'.


RegularizeOptions — Options for regularization, specified as described in the following table. The software applies these options when Regularize is 'on'. For more information on these options, see the corresponding arguments in regularize (Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox).

Option Description

Lasso Penalty

Equivalent to lambda argument in regularize (Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox).


Maximum iterations for lasso search.

Equivalent to maxiter argument in regularize.

The default value is 1000.


Maximum number of passes for lasso.

Equivalent to maxiter argument in regularize.

The default value is 10.


Relative tolerance on the regularized loss for lasso.

Equivalent to reltol argument in regularize.

The default value is 1e-3.


Shrink — Option to prune ensemble and return a compact version, specified as 'off' (default) or 'on'.


ShrinkOptions — Options for shrink, specified as described in the following table. The software applies these options when Shrink is 'on'. For more information on these options, see the corresponding arguments in shrink (Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox).

Option Description

Lasso Penalty. Do not specify if Regularize is true.

Equivalent to lambda argument in shrink (Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox).

The default value is [].


Lower cutoff on weights for weak learners.

Equivalent to threshold argument in shrink.

The default value is 0.

UseParallelOption to use parallel computations for model training and response computation, specified as false (default) or true. Setting UseParallel to true is especially useful when you have a large ensemble, as the software can perform the computations for the individual regression trees in parallel. This option requires Parallel Computing Toolbox™.


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Load the data mrdamper. This data contains damping force (F) and velocity (V) information for a fluid damper, with a sample time of Ts.

load mrdamper

Create an iddata object data that uses F as the output and V as the input. Divide data into estimation and validation data sets ze and zv.

data = iddata(F,V,Ts);
ze = data(1:3000);
zv = data(3001:end);

Create an idTreeEnsemble mapping object E with default settings.

E = idTreeEnsemble;

Estimate a nonlinear ARX model sys that uses E for the output function.

sys = nlarx(ze,[16 16 0],E);

The model stores the estimated mapping object in the property sys.OutputFcn.

ans = 
Regression Tree Ensemble
Inputs: y1(t-1), y1(t-2), y1(t-3), y1(t-4), y1(t-5), y1(t-6), y1(t-7), y1(t-8), y1(t-9), y1(t-10), y1(t-11), y1(t-12), y1(t-13), y1(t-14), y1(t-15), y1(t-16), u1(t), u1(t-1), u1(t-2), u1(t-3), u1(t-4), u1(t-5), u1(t-6), u1(t-7), u1(t-8), u1(t-9), u1(t-10), u1(t-11), u1(t-12), u1(t-13), u1(t-14), u1(t-15)
Output: y1(t)

 Bagged Regression Tree Ensemble

                 Free: 1
    EstimationOptions: '<Estimation option set>'

Compare the model simulated output to the estimation data output.


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with ylabel y1 contains 2 objects of type line. These objects represent Validation data (y1), sys: 90.67%.

Compare the model simulated output to the validation data output.


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with ylabel y1 contains 2 objects of type line. These objects represent Validation data (y1), sys: 85.69%.

sys shows a good fit to both the estimation data and the validation data.

Extended Capabilities

Automatic Parallel Support
Accelerate code by automatically running computation in parallel using Parallel Computing Toolbox™.

Version History

Introduced in R2021b

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See Also

| | (Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox) |

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