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Sensor and emitter coverage configuration

Since R2020a


configs = coverageConfig(sc) returns sensor coverage configuration structures in a tracking scenario sc.


configs = coverageConfig(sensors) returns sensor coverage configuration structures from a list of sensors and emitters.

configs = coverageConfig(sensors,positions,orientations) allows you to specify the position and orientation of the platform on which each sensor or emitter is mounted.


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Create a radar sensor and a radar emitter.

radar = fusionRadarSensor(1,'Rotator');
emitter = radarEmitter(2);

Obtain coverage configurations based on sensor's position information.

cfg = coverageConfig({radar, emitter})
cfg=2×1 struct array with fields:

cfg2 = coverageConfig({radar, emitter},[1000 0 0 ; 0 1000 0])
cfg2=2×1 struct array with fields:

Input Arguments

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Tracking scenario, specified as a trackingScenario object.

Sensors or emitters, specified as a sensor or emitter object, or an N-element cell array of sensor or emitter objects, where N is the number of sensor or emitter objects. The applicable sensor or emitter objects include fusionRadarSensor, radarEmitter, sonarSensor, sonarEmitter, irSensor, and monostaticLidarSensor.

Position of sensor or emitter's platform, specified as an N-by-3 matrix of scalars. The ith row of the matrix is the [x, y, z] Cartesian coordinates of the ith sensor or emitter's platform.

Orientation of sensor or emitter's platform, specified as an N-by-1 vector of quaternions. The ith quaternion in the vector represents the rotation from the global or scenario frame to the ith sensor or emitter's platform frame.

Output Arguments

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Sensor or emitter coverage configurations, returned as an N-element array of configuration structures. N is the number of sensor or emitter objects specified in the sensors input. Each configuration structure contains seven fields:

Fields of configurations

Index A unique integer to identify sensors or emitters.

Current boresight angles of the sensor or emitter, returned as:

  • A scalar in degrees if scanning only in the azimuth direction.

  • A two-element vector [azimuth; elevation] in degrees if scanning in both the azimuth and elevation directions.

FieldOfViewField of view of the sensor or emitter, returned as a two-element vector [azimuth; elevation] in degrees.

Minimum and maximum angles the sensor or emitter can scan from its Orientation.

  • If the sensor or emitter can only scan in the azimuth direction, the limits are returned as a 1-by-2 row vector [minAz, maxAz] in degrees.

  • If the sensor or emitter can also scan in the elevation direction, the limits are returned as a 2-by-2 matrix [minAz, maxAz; minEl, maxEl] in degrees.

RangeRange of the beam and coverage area of the sensor or emitter in meters.
PositionOrigin position of the sensor or emitter, returned as a three-element vector [X, Y, Z].
OrientationRotation transformation from the scenario or global frame to the sensor or emitter mounting frame, returned as a quaternion.

You can use configs to plot the sensor coverage in a theaterPlot using its plotCoverage (Radar Toolbox) object function.


The Index field is returned as a positive integer if the input is a sensor object, such as a fusionRadarSensor object. The Index field is returned as negative integer if the input is an emitter object, such as a radarEmitter object.

Version History

Introduced in R2020a

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