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Get maximum number of timer ticks for single invocation of profiled code section


MaxTicks = NthSectionProfile.MaximumExecutionTimeInTicks returns the maximum number of timer ticks recorded in a single invocation of the profiled code section during a simulation.



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Get the maximum number of timer ticks recorded in a single invocation of the profiled code section during a simulation.

MaxTicks = NthSectionProfile.MaximumExecutionTimeInTicks;

Input Arguments

collapse all

The NthSectionProfile is a coder.profile.ExecutionTimeSection object generated by the coder.profile.ExecutionTime property Sections.

Example: NthSectionProfile.MaximumExecutionTimeInTicks

Output Arguments

collapse all

Maximum number of timer ticks for single invocation of profiled code section

Version History

Introduced in R2012b

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