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Close Money.Net connection

Since R2021b




close(c) closes the Money.Net web socket interface connection c.


collapse all

Create a Money.Net web socket interface connection, retrieve current data for a symbol, and then close the connection.

Create Money.Net web socket interface connection c using a user name and password.

username = "";
pwd = "999999";

c = moneynetws(username,pwd);

Retrieve Money.Net current data d for the symbol IBM® by using the Money.Net web socket interface connection c. Specify the Money.Net data fields f for the highest and lowest prices of the current trading day.

symbol = "IBM";
f = ["high" "low"];
d = getdata(c,symbol,f);

Close the Money.Net web socket interface connection.


Input Arguments

collapse all

Money.Net web socket interface connection, specified as a moneynetws object created using the moneynetws function.

Version History

Introduced in R2021b