Reservoir Modeling Using MATLAB - The MATLAB Reservoir Simulation Toolbox (MRST)
Knut-Andreas Lie, SINTEF Digital
Olav Møyner, SINTEF Digital
The MATLAB Reservoir Simulation Toolbox (MRST) was originally designed as a research tool for rapid prototyping and demonstration of new simulation methods and modeling concepts for flow in porous media. Over the years, it has developed into a community tool that is used by researchers, students, and reservoir engineers all over the world (e.g., as evidenced in more than 180 Master/PhD theses and 350 papers by authors external to SINTEF). In this talk, we first give a brief overview of MRST and highlight a few application cases. We will then discuss key functionality for rapid prototyping, including discrete differential operators, automatic differentiation, object-oriented simulator frameworks, and state functions; which all together enable you to quickly write simulation engines that are fully differentiable. We will end the talk briefly discussing how MEX EXTENSIONS are used to ensure computational performance is comparable with commercial simulators.
Published: 22 Nov 2020