Your IT organization plays a key role in leading digital transformation, including the creation of new digital products and services. MathWorks helps IT and engineering work together to deliver tangible business results.
“The advanced analytics group at Shell have been working with MathWorks to define approaches to radically shorten the process of operationalization of engineering analytics projects.”
MATLAB and Simulink in Enterprise IT
Leverage Your Chosen Tools and Platforms
MATLAB and Simulink work with the technologies your organization uses across the DevOps lifecycle:

Applications: Integrate with operational systems like or AVEVA PI System and display results in dashboards like PowerBI or Tableau. Interoperate with other languages such as Java and Python.
Data: Access data from relational, NoSQL, or graph databases, cloud data stores, and big data repositories. Execute compute-intensive engineering algorithms in Hadoop or Spark jobs.
Middleware: Test and build using popular CI/CD systems and utilize streaming protocols to ingest real-time data.
Infrastructure: Deploy on the edge, on embedded systems, in on-premises hardware, in Docker containers, or on cloud platforms.
“By integrating MATLAB models with our enterprise systems as .NET components, we have automated several processes that previously required manual steps. As a result, we can now price our products daily instead of only once a week, and we can deliver timelier results to several analysts and managers throughout the bank.”
Start Delivering Operational Value with MATLAB and Simulink
Advance the development of your digital products and services
- Reduce your risks by deploying MATLAB and Simulink models into production using your chosen IT infrastructure without recoding them into other languages.
- Reduce time to market by combining MATLAB and Simulink models with models written in Python, C#, and Java.
“Without MATLAB Production Server we would have had to recode all our models and algorithms in C# or a similar language before we could deploy them to the server. That could easily have added six months or more to our schedule.”