
Jenel Darland

Active since 2017

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I'm writing an RREF function of my own and need to perform row swaps to obtain upper triangular form. I have the following augmented matrix: [1,-1,2,0,7;0,0,1,2,1;0,0,-1,-2,-3;0,0.2,0,0.6,0.6]. Will you please look at my flawed script? Thanks!
%Index columns, then rows, to check if there are any nonzero entries below the matrix(j,j) value for j=2:n-1 for i=j:m...

meer dan 7 jaar ago | 1 answer | 0




I am trying to write my own rref and have the following code. It appears to have worked for the first column but not for all other columns for a test augmented matrix I entered. Can you please assist? Thanks!
%Loop through columns, then rows %j=1:n-1 because matrix is augmented and I only want to check the square matrix values; howe...

meer dan 7 jaar ago | 1 answer | 0




How do I convert a 3D RGB image to a grayscale image using the intensity formula (intensity=0.2989*red + 0.5870*green + 0.1140*blue)?
Here is part of the script, and I believe my use of the cat function is incorrect but I'm not sure how else to convert the RGB i...

meer dan 7 jaar ago | 1 answer | 0




How do I use a user input for a desired number of decimal places in an fprintf or similar statement? The instructions are to use the user's input to display or print the correct number of decimal places once calculations are performed. Thanks!
I have tried using something like this to no avail: fprintf('# Negative:\t\t\t\t\t%0.%f',decimal,neg) Perhaps I need an sp...

meer dan 7 jaar ago | 1 answer | 0




I would like to store each iteration of a for loop into a row vector, in order. This particular problem does not start with a vector, but instead with separate scalar user inputs that must be placed into a vector. How do I achieve this? Thanks!
Random variables seem to be placed into a row vector instead. I've been trying for hours and can't figure this out. num=inp...

meer dan 7 jaar ago | 1 answer | 0

