
Sindhuja Parimalarangan

Last seen: 12 dagen ago Active since 2016

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How to generate random multidimensional samples using a custom multidimensional probability distribution?
You can look into these functions to create n-dimensional random values based on a probability distribution: <https://www.mat...

meer dan 7 jaar ago | 0

Access Violation using VideoReader when opening large avi files
The crash here appears to be an Intel Graphics card issue, as indicated by the crash log : C:\Program Files\Intel\Media SDK\mfx_...

meer dan 7 jaar ago | 2

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How can I summarize datapoints (coordinates which are closer than 0.2 meter for example), keep only the mean values of these groups and delete the others?
Looking at the big picture, I understand that you essentially want to delete data points at almost the same coordinate locations...

meer dan 7 jaar ago | 0

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MATLAB fct predint for Gaussian-Process-Model
This could possibly be because < predint> cannot compute prediction interval...

meer dan 7 jaar ago | 0

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too many output arguments
A function you are trying to call expects fewer input/output arguments than you have provided it Here are some possible cause...

meer dan 7 jaar ago | 0

How can I extract a line from a surface?
It is possible to extract z-value for given x and y values using the <

bijna 8 jaar ago | 0

App.designer to plot step response
You can extract the output of the < step> function and use the "plot" functi...

bijna 8 jaar ago | 0

Solving difference equation with its initial conditions
This < link> discusses solving recur...

bijna 8 jaar ago | 4

how do I store and use fitobjects
You could store all the curve fit objects as elements of a cell arrays and then use <

bijna 8 jaar ago | 0

How to plot ramp function in time domain
Here is an example of plotting the unit ramp function : <

bijna 8 jaar ago | 0

How to find phase difference between two images?
Hi, A displacement in image space results in linear phase in Fourier space. A possible workflow would be the following: 1....

ongeveer 8 jaar ago | 0

How to connect the ANSYS Workbench to Matlab to perform the optimization loop in Matlab ??? Please...
You can refer to the following links for books and videos on MATLAB-ANSYS interaction : <

meer dan 8 jaar ago | 0

How to rectify errors while using 'xlswrite' function?
This error is generated directly by Excel upon opening the file from MATLAB. You can find more information about this issue on M...

meer dan 8 jaar ago | 0

Maximize function (parameters estimation with likelihood)
To get the maximum likelihood for the function "myfunc", you can use the "fmincon" function. Extra parameters (x1,x2,x3) can be ...

meer dan 8 jaar ago | 0

How to convert struct filed to cell array before R2016a?
Hi You could use the < comma-sep...

meer dan 8 jaar ago | 0

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