Mark Sherstan
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How can I show a certain value in a certain position in the figure?
Here is a quick example. If you do not have an equation you can still solve for the 0.9 value using numerical methods but the ke...
ongeveer 5 jaar ago | 0
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How to find an equilibrium point between two lines?
You were close! The x domain must be the same length and some of your variables were mislabeled. I quickly cleaned up your code ...
ongeveer 5 jaar ago | 1
Designing of Wind-mill on MATLAB tool box Simscape.
It is possible for sure just depends on how you make your model and how complex or what assumptions you are making. For example ...
ongeveer 5 jaar ago | 0
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How do I remove the dotted steady state line from the step response plot? I used the step() command to plot the step response of 94 transfer function in one plot.
You can add one more step and assign the step response to a variable and then plot it: sys = tf([8 18 32],[1 6 14 24]) y = ste...
ongeveer 5 jaar ago | 0
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Mapping, colormap, eigenvector
Look at the answer here:
ongeveer 5 jaar ago | 0
Recieve the wifi signal
Here are two links that will help you. Depending on your version of MATLAB you will use either the first or second link: https:...
ongeveer 5 jaar ago | 0
how to draw lines using given points in a video?
Use insertShape(). Cool project!
bijna 6 jaar ago | 2
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MATLAB codes for HC SR04
The Arduino support package has built in functions for the HC SR04 ultrasonic sensors. You can find the information here: https:...
bijna 6 jaar ago | 0
Matlab Adruino Uno project troubleshooting
Read through the Arduino getting started support package for MATLAB. It has all the tools you need:
bijna 6 jaar ago | 0
How to collect higher number of samples with MATLAB Support Package for Arduino Hardware
This is the most effcient way I have been able to establish a MATLAB / serial communication and it allows you to focus on puttin...
bijna 6 jaar ago | 0
How do I plot arduino data with time running in x axis
Use tic and toc to record time. I updated your code below! clc, clear all; A=zeros(1,1000); B=zeros(1,1000); C=zeros(1,1000)...
bijna 6 jaar ago | 0
hey guys can you help me with this.
If you need to run all of that at the same time you need to run miltiple threads. Check out the Parallel computing toolbox for m...
bijna 6 jaar ago | 0
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How can I view arduino Serial monitor data in matlab, when I have 2 arduinos?
Try creating two serial objects and running something similar to the example below (if you are worried about loosing data you wi...
bijna 6 jaar ago | 0
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Convert Arduino Code to Matlab
Converting from Arduino (C++) to MATLAB has some challenges as describere here but it can be done. There are some converters onl...
bijna 6 jaar ago | 1
matlab with raspberry pi 3
Look at the answer provided here. You may need to download some additional packages depending on the approach you take: https:/...
bijna 6 jaar ago | 0
kalman filter object tracking
Conisder using insertObjectAnnotation(I,shape,position,label). There are some examples in the link provided.
bijna 6 jaar ago | 0
Distances between specific points between two points
Use this awesome function from the file exchange: and...
bijna 6 jaar ago | 0
boundingBox of a feture in an image
You can use bboxOverlapRatio() to get the ratio and then set a threshold of what is acceptable for plotting or not. A better app...
bijna 6 jaar ago | 1
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how to compare two graphs having different values on x-axis?
Add a "hold on" statment which basically will make the two plots combined. I have modified your code below: clear all close al...
bijna 6 jaar ago | 0
How to sum a series of functions generated from data
The variable Paterson requires intergers as indices not doubles hence the error. Consider changing that last section as follows:...
bijna 6 jaar ago | 0
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How can I import one column of data from a txt file into a variable?
Try without the "." A = importdata('myData.txt'); f = A(:,2) I also included my .txt file in case you have your set up differ...
bijna 6 jaar ago | 0
Importing excel table then graphing it.
Look at the two links below: https://www....
bijna 6 jaar ago | 0
Serial communication with Arduino microphone signal and matlab
Look at my solution for another question here:
bijna 6 jaar ago | 0
How can I rotate the following 3d body with rotation matrix? What´s wrong if the displayed angle is correct?
I did a similar project in the past. I have attachted my working code below without the Arduino connection so it should run as i...
bijna 6 jaar ago | 1
multiply a sawtooth wave form and sin wave together
You just need to define a time array. This should work for you: t = 0:pi/12:2*pi; x = sawtooth(2*pi*50*t); x1 = sin(pi/4*t+pi...
bijna 6 jaar ago | 0
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Sine wave signals purification
Try a FFT on your data and use the results to reconstruct a clean signal. Examples are included here:
bijna 6 jaar ago | 0
Outrageous values when printing out a function
Try solving using symbolics and then simplify the expression and see if the error repeats. This would also be a good use for MAT...
bijna 6 jaar ago | 1
Plot line thickness changes based on value
Here is one way of doing it: %Logical Values x = [1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0]; t = 1:length(x); % Create figure and line thic...
bijna 6 jaar ago | 0
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find first time where data crosses 1
This example should help you with your data set x = -2*pi:pi/12:2*pi; y = 2*sin(x); idx = find(y>1); solution = idx(1) fp...
bijna 6 jaar ago | 0
Need help transforming data from a table
Give this a try! I am sure there are more effcient ways to achieve your outcome in terms of coding or other alternatives (e.g. a...
bijna 6 jaar ago | 0