
Chris Loizou

Active since 2015

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Help with reading the RGB value of every pixel of a truecolor image using impixel
Hello, yes well you are doing something wrong with sintax. Remove the comma from the brackets if true I= imread('s...

bijna 7 jaar ago | 0

how to determine the highest peak and its frequency for a real time sound signal
Hi Taieb, well it would be nice if you could be more specific about the frequency of the signal you want to process. Do you ne...

bijna 7 jaar ago | 0

Why is the "ButtonDownFcn" callback for my axes not activated when I click on an object in the axes?
I have been looking for these error for 5 days. I was doing all the HitTest, and 'NextPlot' correctly. The problem is that the a...

ongeveer 7 jaar ago | 1


FFT - distinguish 2 waveforms
Hello everyone, So, I have a video 158x378x257, in the video, there are some veins where at each pulse they gradually get bri...

meer dan 7 jaar ago | 0 answers | 0



find the gradient by using laplacian
i already did that. i need to use the lapacian in order to confirm that.

bijna 9 jaar ago | 0


find the gradient by using laplacian
hello all, i have a graph that i wanted to calculate the steepest slope on each descending part of the curve. I did it. But i wa...

bijna 9 jaar ago | 2 answers | 0

