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Professional Interests: Modeling. As in hydrology, not as in Brad Pitt.
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How do I save data to a TXT file?
To write a text file with columns of data that have variable names, use the “writetable” function. First, create the data to wri...
5 maanden ago | 18
| accepted
How to "filter" an N-D array with matrix indexing?
data = rand(10,3,3); idx = (1:2:5)'; dims = size(data); to_add = cumprod(dims); for ii = 2:numel(dims) ...
ongeveer 7 jaar ago | 0
Help with a piece of code
Generating a "binary" (logical) array: a = rand(10,1) > 0.5; Transforming the binary array into a string. _v_ is a charac...
meer dan 7 jaar ago | 0
poissrnd function issue: weird histogram
The loop is unnecessary: histogram(poissrnd(100,1e6,1),300) Works as expected.
meer dan 7 jaar ago | 1
Transforming a string of letters into number based on each value equaling a number.
str = 'bccddee'; result = sum(str - 'a' + 1)
meer dan 7 jaar ago | 2
Do one action to multiple arrays
The answer would be a slight adaptation of _"don't use dynamic variable names"_ with the added issue of not being able to use a ...
meer dan 7 jaar ago | 1
How to get rid of repeating values inside an array
b = a(sum(bsxfun(@eq,a,a'))==1)
meer dan 7 jaar ago | 1
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I'm trying to set certain rows in a 3 dimensional matrix 0
Since it is impossible setting them to empty without actually changing your array, you could use NaN instead. data(10,:,2) =...
meer dan 7 jaar ago | 0
How can I get values for f in a matrix of dimension(100,1)?
f =@(x,y) (1-x).^2 +100*(y-x.^2).^2; dummy = linspace(-1,1,10); [xx,yy] = ndgrid(dummy,dummy); result = f(xx,yy); ...
meer dan 7 jaar ago | 0
Finding specfic string within another string
yourStr = '\blabla\blabla\blabla\blabla\blabla\blabla\04 - Black\05 - TEST' re = '\\[0-9]{2}\s-\s[a-zA-Z]+'; result = re...
meer dan 7 jaar ago | 0
How can I plot a polar plot with varying colour
If you have R2016b or more recent: <http://se.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/polarscatter.html>
meer dan 7 jaar ago | 1
How to run scripts (not functions) with predefined user inputs?
meer dan 7 jaar ago | 1
Derivative in function handle
If you're gonna do this numerically, you need to specify an interval in which to evaluate. Note that diff doesn't really give th...
meer dan 7 jaar ago | 1
How to create a random gamma distributed vector with a mean of 0.1 and entries between 0 and 1?
The <https://se.mathworks.com/help/stats/gamrnd.html gamma distribution> takes two parameters: the shape and the scale. The mean...
meer dan 7 jaar ago | 1
| accepted
If I am given coordinates of three points, how can I plot an arc using those 3 points in matlab?
meer dan 7 jaar ago | 0
Function not supported for code generation
You can't. It's up to the Mathworks to decide which functions to include. You could always ask them nicely. I don't kno...
meer dan 7 jaar ago | 0
how to not exceed limits of the matrix column
your_array = rand(10,16) %looping through all columns for ii=your_array %ii now contains all values in column end
meer dan 7 jaar ago | 0
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how to density plot of a scatter plot?
<https://se.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/histogram2.html |histogram2()|>
meer dan 7 jaar ago | 0
Various inputs and outputs in functions
You could pass a structure to your function. The structure could contain whatever flags and arguments you need. Same goes for th...
meer dan 7 jaar ago | 0
How can I get a vector out of a matrix?
Sounds like a job for <https://se.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/sub2ind.html |sub2ind()|>
meer dan 7 jaar ago | 0
How do I exclude NaN values when calculating mean of each row in a matrix?
y = nanmean(a,2)
meer dan 7 jaar ago | 1
I want to obtain number of cases(matrix's length) . By applying same sum in any matrix. (on constraints)
If what you mean is that you want the sum of a random array of four elements to be thirty with some condition placed on the last...
meer dan 7 jaar ago | 0
What is the use of state in randseed() function?
Random numbers in Matlab are not random. They are pseudo-random: they are based on deterministic algorithms. You can consider...
meer dan 7 jaar ago | 0
I unable to run my program.Please help me...
custlogpdf =@(x,d,r) log(factorial(r+x-1)/(factorial(x)*factorial(r-1))+ log(s1));
meer dan 7 jaar ago | 0
Why does == not work with decimal indexed for loop?
From the documentation: _"x = j:i:k creates a regularly-spaced vector x using i as the increment between elements. The vector...
meer dan 7 jaar ago | 1
| accepted
Check for identical maximum values in an array
Number of maximum values: numMax=sum(A(:) == max(A(:))); if numMax > 1 %Do your thing end
meer dan 7 jaar ago | 1
Replot a matlab.graphics.chart
Not sure this is what you mean: numPlots = 10; lH = cell(1,numPlots); for ii = 1:numPlots hold on; ...
meer dan 7 jaar ago | 0
what can be maximum number number of alphabet in name of model ?
From the documentation: _"Model Names:_ _Model file names must start with a letter and can contain letters, numbers, and u...
meer dan 7 jaar ago | 0
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How to change the output file name with the same input file name but with a different extension ?
old = 'BOB_LEHAR_CS_2013112718_TRMM.nc'; new = regexprep(old, '\.[^.]+$', '.grd')
meer dan 7 jaar ago | 0
Turning x amount of data points in to 100 to get a percentage
If you have the signal processing toolbox: <https://se.mathworks.com/help/signal/ref/resample.html>
meer dan 7 jaar ago | 0
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