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How to get correct pixel size in 2D after cut 3D voxel using obliqueslice
@Kamil, [edit: fix spelling errors, no changes to code.] @Catalytic is right that the pixel size in the new, oblique slice is ...
ongeveer 5 uur ago | 0
unable to load file in Matlab Answers
I have been unable to load data from a file in Matab Answers for a week or more. I can attach a data file to my answer by click...
5 dagen ago | 0 answers | 0
answersHow to constrain the time and how to derive the acceleration and position trajectories from given velocity trajectory?
@Alireza, You are correct: trapveltraj(,EndTime=tEnd) assumes tEnd is a scalar or a vector of segment durations. Example 1: Th...
5 dagen ago | 0
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Determine of coherence using Transfer function (Bode plot)
@Kumaresh Kumaresh, The coherence equals one in your example because you estimated the spectra Pxx, Pyy, and Pxy using a single...
5 dagen ago | 0
Issue with Fitting Damping Model to Experimental Data
@Ts, You say q(t) is a response. Response to what? To v(t), I assume. But you have not told us v(t). If you apply the differ...
11 dagen ago | 0
Estimate signal to noise ratio for electrocardiogram.
11 dagen ago | 2 downloads |
Signal quality assessment with SNR in Matlab
@Elzbieta, This is a long answer, but I don't have time to write a shorter one. My reading of your calc_snr() code is that it ...
14 dagen ago | 0
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Preserving relative proportions in graph after introducing bias in log scale plot
@Samuel, [Edits: Correct spelling errors, including "ch2inv" to "chi2inv".] [Edit: Correct formula for .] I have not tried to...
15 dagen ago | 0
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Plotting the Electric field of a SPR sensor
@Mohamed, Do you have the data, and you want to know how to make a plot? If so, see here. If you are looking for a formula fo...
15 dagen ago | 0
How can I draw a bifurcation diagram of the logistic dynamical coupled logistic map lattice system in MATLAB?
@Harpreet, What have you done so far? Your function L(e) is the logistic map function, with r=3.99. You have not specified th...
23 dagen ago | 0
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Violinplot extending beyond data range
@Angie, [Edit: add ylim() so that all 3 plots have same y-axis range.] You can vary the bandwidth, or the kernel function, or...
23 dagen ago | 0
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How do I interpret the output from fftn? (performed on a 3D matrix: time x spatial dimension 1 x spatial dimension 2)
@Neil Bailey, When you compare the 2d FFT to the 3d FFT, you must view slices through the 3d FFT that correspond to the plane ...
23 dagen ago | 1
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Layered Damped Soil on Elastic Rock - Site Amplification in Kramer Book
@ibrahim can beziklioglu, You included two plots: a matlab-generated plot of Amplification factor as a funciton of frequency, a...
24 dagen ago | 0
SNR vs Amplitude plot for ECG Lead
@Elzbieta, You have 21 amplitudes, 17 heart rates, and 8 leads (I, II, and V1 thorugh V6). That is a lot of combinations. I c...
26 dagen ago | 0
Calculating calibration ECG device parameters
@Elzbieta, [edit: fix spelling mistakes] As you know, the MPS450 allows the user to specify various output waveforms. See tabl...
26 dagen ago | 0
How to extract features from an ECG signal using ECGPUWAVE tool provided by physionet in MATLAB?
@Radu Stelu, ecgpuwave.m, here, is a matlab wrapper that calls an executable. there is additional info about ecgpuwave.m here. ...
26 dagen ago | 0
How to modify the filter to match the power output of the wind turbine with the wind speed?
@jana nassereddine, The horizontal axis labels and values are partly cut off, or absent, on the three images you uploaded which...
ongeveer een maand ago | 0
Increasing value over time of Power of a audio signal
@Alex Kouroupis, You say "I need to calculate the power myself cause i need the values for a model". The first plot you pro...
ongeveer een maand ago | 1
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Compare probability density functions of 2 vectors
@T.C., [Edit: fix error in my code below.] The 2 sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. x1=rand(1,50); x2=rand(1,40); [h,p]=kstest...
ongeveer een maand ago | 2
MLS(moving least squares) algorithm problem... help me!!!
@종영, In your comment you refer to "cubic spline function". Cubic splines for smoothing can be done with csaps(). The code be...
ongeveer een maand ago | 0
Handling Multiple UTM Zones for Azimuth and Elevation Calculations in MATLAB
@Lidor, if I had to compute azimuth and distance for locations specified across multiple UTM zones, I would just convert to lat,...
ongeveer een maand ago | 0
Input for ARfit ? (EEG analysis)
@Annaëlle, [Edit: fix spelling.] Have you run the script ardem.m, which is part of the ARfit toolbox? Does it produce reason...
ongeveer 2 maanden ago | 1
Plot the tidal ellipses for the four major tidal constituents
@은진, The line idx = find(strcmp(NAME, major_constituents{i})); does not work, because strcmp(NAME, major_constituents{i}) ...
ongeveer 2 maanden ago | 0
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2D Fourier transform- problems with the shift
@nathan blanc, Reconstructing the 2d DFT is a little tricky. The attached script uses the Nk largest components of the 2d DFT t...
ongeveer 2 maanden ago | 0
My MATLAB psgnifit code is calculating the wrong values from the plot and I am unable to resolve it. Please help.
@Adithi Anil, I have not tried running your code. I notice that gamma=0; % lower symptote, supposedly lambda=10; % upper sympt...
ongeveer 2 maanden ago | 1
Why does the phase response get cutoff beyond a frequency?
Check the values returned by freqz. Answering on my cellphone so I’m limited in what I can do. Look for NaNs at high frequencies...
ongeveer 2 maanden ago | 0
quaternion kinematic formulation in attitude dynamics block does not seem to be complete.
@Gökhan, I think you are correct. A factor of (-1/2) should multiply the right hand side matrices in the equation here for the...
ongeveer 2 maanden ago | 1
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Why is my MATLAB video such poor quality?
@Walter Roberson, thank you for the link fix. [Edit: fix spelling.] @Mitchell Tillman, I would definitely explore the possibi...
ongeveer 2 maanden ago | 0
A problem about subcarrier spacing of ofdm
@lc, The error you report is because the variable x has not been defined. You will need to provide more context in order to re...
ongeveer 2 maanden ago | 0
Estimating Initial Delay Values for NARX System Outputs in Real-World Applications
@Sandeep, To get an initial estimate for delay, I would compute the cross correlation of the input and the output. If you are ...
ongeveer 2 maanden ago | 0