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curl with symbolic vector
I'm trying to do use curl with a symbolic vector, but it just keeps on returing a zero vector. % ∇ × F syms Fx Fy Fz x y z c...
meer dan 5 jaar ago | 1 answer | 0
answerDifferent results on different version Matlab
You could try to check the release notes and see if there are any functions you're using that may have changed. And maybe check...
meer dan 5 jaar ago | 0
| accepted
produce a cell array of cell arrays of element names
If getElementNames is a function, you should use round brackets instead of curly brackets: element_names = getElementNames(elem...
meer dan 5 jaar ago | 0
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Numden on complex equation returns unexpected result
I have the following complex symbolic equation syms F_c M B w K; eq = F_c/(- M*w^2 + B*w*1i + K); Now I just want to get the ...
meer dan 5 jaar ago | 2 answers | 0
answershow i can convert struct to matrix
You could, for example, create a cell array: C = {}; C{1,1} = s(1).f1; C{1,2} = s(1).f2; C{2,1} = s(2).f1; C{2,2} = s(2).f2...
meer dan 5 jaar ago | 0
Stop audio from playing using sound()
Matlab Online (ver R2018b) I'm playing some audio using sound(y,Fs) but I can't find a way to stop the audio from playing. You ...
ongeveer 6 jaar ago | 3 answers | 1
answersIs the following code is sufficient for feature detection, extraction of multiple images and storing them into single cell for classification?
Look closely what you're exactly trying to plot Valid_points{i} = valid_points; figure; imshow(I1); plot(valid_po...
ongeveer 6 jaar ago | 0
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dates between two limits
I came up with 2 options: OPTION 1 clear; start_date = '20190131'; end_date = '20191205'; myFormat = 'yyyyMMdd'; DateSt...
ongeveer 6 jaar ago | 1
Importing multiple .txt files into one table
This should do the trick. I've added several comments in the hope that it makes it easier for you to understand how it works. Of...
ongeveer 6 jaar ago | 1
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I would like to make sure that the commands tf, step, impulse, Bode and lsim are all included in the Control System Toolbox
You can check all the functions for the Control System Toolbox here Next time if you want to make sure a function exist in a ce...
ongeveer 6 jaar ago | 0
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How to change uigetfolder on uigetdir?
Wow I looked up this function on FEX and its last update was in the year 2000 (so its pretty much ancient). Like you said yourse...
ongeveer 6 jaar ago | 0
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How can I insert time from an xlsx file into Matlab and make a plot?
Even though I still haven't figured out your plotting issue, the importing can be solved like so % first time; opts = detectIm...
ongeveer 6 jaar ago | 0
How to convert captured frames from webcam into avi format with 20fps.
Well you stated that you've tried a lot of things, but you didn't provide any code with it so that's not really helpfull. I sugg...
ongeveer 6 jaar ago | 0
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How to use If elseif else in array ?
So everytime I have to do somethings similar, I either do it by using a for-loop and if/else statement and comparing every field...
ongeveer 6 jaar ago | 1
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Imwrite JPG with comments
I'm trying to save my images with some comments like so imwrite(imageData, '/MATLAB Drive/ArtScraper/out_img/Ukiyo-e_1549412662...
ongeveer 6 jaar ago | 1 answer | 1
answerCreating a blank figures
You should put the hold on; before the plot(Lam, Transmittance). I suggest also to put hold off; after the end of your for-loop....
ongeveer 6 jaar ago | 0
how to compress any video by using H.264 compression standard ....
You can use VideoWriter with MPEG-4 profile for this v = VideoWriter('my-video.mp4','MPEG-4'); %uses h264 encoding v.Quality =...
ongeveer 6 jaar ago | 0
what is the MATLAB version or can I use the imageDataAugmenter function ?
According to the documentation, imageDataAugmenter was introduced in R2017b. You can check what version of Matlab and which tool...
ongeveer 6 jaar ago | 0
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what happens to Matlab when I lose connection to my network drive data all of a sudden?
Well that sounds indeed frustrating. Luckily you can pause on error/warnings (check it here). I think thats a screenshot for an ...
ongeveer 6 jaar ago | 0
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How to find the closest value to a constant in a 2D matrix
Probably something like this A = rand([15 129])*100; %matrix with random values [~,I] = min(abs(A - 15),[],1); %get indices fo...
ongeveer 6 jaar ago | 1
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Can I Split the char with out deliminater ? (Please have a look at example)
I don't want to critize too much, but it just seems you're asking so many question on the same dataset that its almost like the ...
ongeveer 6 jaar ago | 0
Import Excel-Sheet and plot time - error!
This will do the job clear; opts = detectImportOptions('2018-12-07--15-55-46 - alt_1.csv','Delimiter',';'); opts = setvartype...
ongeveer 6 jaar ago | 0
convert character date string to date vector
You can use datetime to do it myString = '2014-07-03T04:00:00.000000Z'; myDateString = datetime(myString,'InputFormat','yyyy-M...
ongeveer 6 jaar ago | 2
Please Help me to combine the following data, Cut the data from the combined data and form a new data (screen shots are attached)
You can use strrep to replace the forward slashes and then use regular expressions to capture the characters. A = '/FF0A/-MFF0/...
ongeveer 6 jaar ago | 0
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How can I merge vector elements into a single number of type double?
Something like this? A = [1 2 3]; joined = str2num(strjoin(num2cell(num2str(A(:))),'')); %>> joined = 123 (type double) Ther...
ongeveer 6 jaar ago | 0
Find minimum difference in arrays from exact value
I've created this snippet for you with comments. clear all; close all; %read in your xlsx file T = readtable('Optionprice...
ongeveer 6 jaar ago | 0
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Is there a non-toolbox alternative for decodeHTMLEntities
Because of the lack of (quick) responses, I've made my own function which I made available here. It comes with a file called ent...
ongeveer 6 jaar ago | 0
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htmlEntities - decode/encode html entities
An easy to use function to decode/encode html entities. Provided with 'entities.mat' which is a table consisting of chars and en...
ongeveer 6 jaar ago | 1 download |
Is there a non-toolbox alternative for decodeHTMLEntities
I'm scraping data from the web and I noticed that some text contains html entities (& ,   etc.). Now I've found that I ...
ongeveer 6 jaar ago | 1 answer | 0