
Waqar Buriro

Active since 2018

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Working on medical dicom Images


  • Knowledgeable Level 1
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how to convert Pixel to cm or inch (i want to know 1 pixel equal = ?? mm or = ?? cm = ?? inch)
Hello , But how can i find the real length of dicom image if that is taken from a online data source. i can not use ruler to mea...

meer dan 6 jaar ago | 0


Dear all, I am thankful to you all; I want to ask i have data in pixels of regions, i want to convert it to the mm or cm. But for calibration factor i need mm/totalpixel . here i have totalpixel but nw from where i can get total mm length of dicom?
Please read full text as am working on the image processing feature extraction using region props and i get result in pixels and...

meer dan 6 jaar ago | 0 answers | 0

