

Last seen: ongeveer een jaar ago Active since 2014

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Convert integer value to a vector
You can do this by placing a matlab function block in Simulink. Your function should look like below. Connect your input signal ...

ongeveer 2 jaar ago | 0

How to execute Simulink subsystem only if a specific variable exists in the workspace?
You can make use of and convert your subsystems to variant subsystems:

ongeveer 2 jaar ago | 0

How can i setting the limit values of a variable?
If you want the plot to show only a certain range of x then you can use xlim command xlim([0 1])

ongeveer 2 jaar ago | 1

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Saving large variables with save -v7 instead of -v7.3
Hi David, In 2019b you can actually choose to use the v7.3 without any compression. If storage is not an issue, you can add the...

meer dan 4 jaar ago | 0

Unable to unlock simulink library blocks
Had this happen to me recently. 1) Open the Library 2) Unlock it 3) Click on Diagram -> Unlock Links to Library 4) S...

bijna 7 jaar ago | 3

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Combining matrix of different dimension.
One solution: Matrix1 = [ 2 2; 0 0]; Matrix2 = [1 1;0 0]; Matrix3 = [2 2 2 2;3 3 3 3]; [reshape(Matrix1',1,4);...

ongeveer 7 jaar ago | 1

'Index exceeds matrix dimensions' error
theta(i) is not defined after the first index. You set theta(1) but then never do anything with theta again. So when you say the...

ongeveer 7 jaar ago | 0

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Why does this SIMPLE code not work
In the last line, you are just printing to the screen the result you got in the 2nd line. If you want f1 to be calculated again ...

meer dan 7 jaar ago | 0

please give me matlab code for
Since you did not provide info on what you want and put no effort into your question for us to even know how to help you, I have...

meer dan 7 jaar ago | 1

I have a matrix A of order 3 X 7 and C is a matrix made
B=A\C B = 1.0000 0.3445 -0.0766 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...

bijna 8 jaar ago | 0

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I am trying to create a function form a vector from my matrix and I do not understand where my mistake is?
You should avoid using a for loop here. You can do something like this: function myVector=combined(myMatrix) myVect...

ongeveer 8 jaar ago | 0

How to store string values from a for loop into a cell array?
prompt = 'Enter a number: '; x = input(prompt); for i=1:x user_string = input('Enter a string: '); all...

ongeveer 8 jaar ago | 1

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hi , I've got code shows more than the result because of the Loop . The question now is how do I store the result in array ​​in order to call this values [a] again
Do you just want all the values of "a" stored in a 1D array? If so you can do this: n=[4;5;6]; phi=[3;4;5]; s=[2;3;4]; o=3;...

ongeveer 8 jaar ago | 0

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How to download installer for Matlab R2011a?
This is how you can do it according to the Mathworks Support Team: <

ongeveer 8 jaar ago | 0

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How to count up matrix values for specific number of positions specified by other matrix?
You can do this: experiment_10=find(A==10); first_five_trials=B(experiment_10(1:5)); correct_trials=sum(first_fiv...

meer dan 8 jaar ago | 0

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Why do I have to register in order to watch some webinars?
I would assume MathWorks likes to gather information on how many people are showing interest and watching the webinars. Also, it...

meer dan 8 jaar ago | 3

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While loop isn't terminating even though the expression is 0
I think what you need to do is the following (by the way, I don't know what your code is doing but I think it should be > 0.001 ...

meer dan 8 jaar ago | 1

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If I purchase and Install Matlab (Home Version) and several add ons on my laptop, can I later uninstall from my laptop and install on my workstation at home (i.e., move the software and accessories)?
You should be able to according to the MathWorks Support Team: <

meer dan 8 jaar ago | 0

Subscript indices must either be real positive integers error? Can't figure out why
It is because of this line: h(i)=sum(S4(i,[0:y])); You cannot access column 0 of a matrix in MATLAB. MATLAB indices star...

meer dan 8 jaar ago | 0

2x2 matrix multiplied by a 2x1 column vector gives erratic results
That is not how matrix multiplication works at all. For a matrix and a vector: A= [1 2 v= [1 3 4] ...

meer dan 8 jaar ago | 0

How to deactivate trial version
The link below answers your question. Basically, you cannot deactivate a trial version. However, you can contact a Sales Represe...

meer dan 8 jaar ago | 1

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Does matlab support Kinect Xbox One sensor for capturing depth images ?
Yes, according to this link, Microsoft Kinect for Windows v1 is supported since MATLAB R2013A. The Kinect v2 (which is identical...

meer dan 8 jaar ago | 1

can be a compression rate 100%,200%----1000% also send me a equation to calculate compression rate.
Do you mean compression ratio? Because with a simple search it looks like the equation is easy to use. Also if you are asking ca...

meer dan 8 jaar ago | 0

How to download a particular toolbox of MATLAB?
Here is a list of all the MATLAB toolboxes. You have to purchase a toolbox in order to download it. Just click on the toolbox yo...

meer dan 8 jaar ago | 2

Writing to a new matrix after filtering outliers form original matrix
This should work. Basically run another index called "k" as a sum that only increases when the inequalities are satisfied. ...

meer dan 8 jaar ago | 0

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Inner matrix must agree
It's because of the x variable. Your x variable is a row vector of a 100 elements. When you use "*" by itself it is doing matrix...

meer dan 8 jaar ago | 0

how to extract data in the structure to individual vector variable?
This should be pretty straight forward. You can do this: %Assuming a structure name of Structure Time=Structure.time; ...

meer dan 8 jaar ago | 0

how to create a half cosine wave
If you are talking about plotting a half cosine wave you could do something like this: t=-pi/2:0.0001:pi/2; plot(t,cos(t...

meer dan 8 jaar ago | 0

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Please help me to find the solution for this non linear system of equation
I would recommend that you read MathWorks documentation as it is very helpful. Here is a link where they show you how to solve a...

meer dan 8 jaar ago | 0

Script for plotting two graphs on the same window
I think what you are looking for is the hold command. Your code should look something like this: hold on %by setting ...

meer dan 8 jaar ago | 0

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