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  • Most Accepted 2023
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How to use the .m file or MABLAB command to create a "CAN Pack" Block in a new simulink model(.slx) You would use add_b...

ongeveer 13 uur ago | 0

specify axis to plot alphaShape
plot(shp, 'Parent', ax)

ongeveer 16 uur ago | 0

How to plot average runtimes for sorting algorithms
fcns = {@insertsort, @selsort, @mrgsort}; for INDEX1 = %... for INDEX2 = %... tic; sorted = fcns{INDEX1}(...

1 dag ago | 0

How to complete this if-else statement for minesweeper.
You can do the calculations without if/elseif . Use max(1,r-1:r+1) to clip against the top margin. Use min(row, r-1:r+1) to cli...

2 dagen ago | 0

problem in plot for two function
function y = Escattheory(rho,phi) %... y=vpa(symsum(factor,k,0,inf),3) Regardless of anything else, because of the vpa(), Esc...

2 dagen ago | 0

dsolve not found. Showing help for ode/SelectedSolver instead.
dsolve() is part of the Symbolic Mathematics Toolbox; you must have not installed that.

3 dagen ago | 0

| accepted

busdays function not return correct date
date_1 and date_2 both happen to have times of 09:30 date_3 has a time of 10:30. date_4 has a time of 9:30 The internal logic ...

3 dagen ago | 0

| accepted

Plot files with legend names indicated from a value from each file
plot(T,z,'LineWidth',1,'color',couleur(nn,:), 'DisplayName', string(sta(1)));

3 dagen ago | 0

why does the aasamplebiasedautoc is giving abnormal results with a noise signal?
That code expects a vector of input as the first parameter. You are sending in a 2D array. The way your data is arranged, the co...

3 dagen ago | 0

clicking on data tips option breaks WindowButtonDown callback
This is expected. Data tips rely upon WindowButtonDownFcn and there can only be one WindowButtonDownFcn active at a time on any ...

3 dagen ago | 2

| accepted

solving a nonlinear equation with complex numbers
Zo = 50; syms R syms X Z=(R*1i*X/(R+1i*X)); r=(Z-Zo)/(Z+Zo); assume(R,'positive') assume(X,'real') eqn=[abs(r)==0.5, an...

3 dagen ago | 0

| accepted

Is there a way to define a callback function in Matlab that triggers on runtime errors?
Sorry, there is no way of doing this. The most you can do is put a try/catch around the top level of your code. However, when t...

3 dagen ago | 0

How to add pattern fill to markers in scatter plot?
There is unfortunately no simple way to add hatch filling. To apply hatch filling, there are two possibilities: Create sample ...

3 dagen ago | 0

Second order PDE solving CFD problem
conv_term = (theta(i, j) - theta(i, j-1)) / dx; diff_term = (theta(i+1, j) - 2 * theta(i, j) + theta(i-...

3 dagen ago | 0

Integrating Parallel Computing with App Designer for Real-Time UI Updates
The only Mathworks product that is designed for Real-Time work is Simulink Real-Time. You will never be able to get Real-Time ...

3 dagen ago | 0

Fourier Transform of e^jkt, not giving an answer
The fourier transform of that function does not converge. You need to take abs(t) syms t w K S=exp(K*j*abs(t)) F = fourier(S...

4 dagen ago | 1

Need a MD5 Hash file

4 dagen ago | 0

| accepted

How do I save adw modified audio to a wav file
Use dsp.AudioFileWriter Note: in your current code, the y that you audiowrite() would represent only the last buffer-full of da...

4 dagen ago | 1

I wanna solve to solve
The fundamental problem here is that when you use the old form of solve that used quoted expressions, that variables defined in ...

4 dagen ago | 0

creating spatial heat map in matlab for one variable with x,y coordinates
You tried to calculate the pairwise distance between 112899 points . The way your code is structured, that involves building a 1...

5 dagen ago | 0

I am trying to run an code an shows Number of elements must not change. Use [] as one of the size inputs to automatically calculate the appropriate size for that dimension.
N = round(double([f_x; b_x])); M = round(double([f_y; b_y])); We are not given any information about the sizes of f_x or f_y o...

5 dagen ago | 1

Latin Company Name.
"Latin Company Name" is the internal name Mathworks gives to "Company Name" fields on various sign-up forms, such as https://www...

5 dagen ago | 0

Cómo podría agregar una restricción sobre una variable dependiente en lugar de los parámetros a optimizar?
You would use the nonlcon parameter to add constraints. You would likely use a function to calculate size of the fifth crystal...

5 dagen ago | 0

Serial: Real-time plotting and storaging streaming data from Arduino slowing down badly over time
Table = [Table; newLine]; Each time that statement is executed, MATLAB needs to examine...

5 dagen ago | 0

Input for ARfit ? (EEG analysis)
What I have is a vector where the rows are the EEG channels, and the columns are the signal values for each data point. Your in...

5 dagen ago | 0

MATLAB symbolic definite integration error while taking symbolic function as input arguments
syms a v T disp(int(@(tau) tau*v, 0, T)) disp(int(@(tau) tau*a, 0, T)) Notice that in the first case, it integrated with resp...

6 dagen ago | 1

Scatter fails if all elements but one at index(1,1) are nan.
This is fixed in R2023b (maybe slightly earlier) There does not appear to be any public bug report about this.

6 dagen ago | 0

| accepted

How to display color intensity contour of gray scale image
Converting to gray is rgb2gray Displaying the image in the indicated way would probably be surf followed by a colormap call.

7 dagen ago | 0

Double integral problem with function handles to make the program faster instead of using symbolic
ksi and ita are undefined at that point. If you define them with syms then the integration works. syms ksi ita i=3; %actually ...

7 dagen ago | 0

| accepted

Why do i get the error (Array indices must be positive integers or logical values) when trying to calculate the determinant
det = det(M) There would not be any error the first time you ran that code. The first time, det would refer to the det determin...

7 dagen ago | 2

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