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Saving data from simulink to Database
Hi @David Razo, I understand that you are trying to store sampled data from a Simulink model in a database after every 5 second...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

Write date to mySQL with millisecond precision
Hi @Benjamin Lemmer, I understand that you are trying to insert data containing ‘datetime’ values with millisecond precision in...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

mysql values not updating
Hi @Arvind Iyer, I understand that you are trying to update values in a table corresponding to a database in MySQL. Given that ...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

How can I programmatically override referenced configuration parameters?
Hi @Jonathan Adams, I understand that you are trying to control the configuration parameters of a reference model programmatica...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

Teleport To Another State Without Using Transition Arrow?
Hi @Amjad, I understand that you are trying to control the state-transitioning in Stateflow programmatically for both in-chart ...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

How to access Bus Ports parameter from action bar in Buscreator/Busselector blocks?
Hi @Dhines, I understand that you want to access and control the ‘Bus ports’ parameter from action bar in a ‘Bus Creator/ Bus S...

ongeveer 2 maanden ago | 0

How to add Extracted parameters from Excel file to a data dictionary as a Simulink Parameter Using matlab Code
Hi @Mohamed, I understand that you want to extract rows from an excel file as Simulink parameters and add them as entries to a ...

ongeveer 2 maanden ago | 0

Creating a resettable timer in Simulink
Hi @Bernaise Anders, I understand that you are trying to build a resettable clock system which can reset itself and start count...

ongeveer 2 maanden ago | 0

Call C code function from Stateflow with an array as an input
Hi @Ken Seiders, I understand that you are trying to call a C function which takes an array as an argument, from a Stateflow ch...

ongeveer 2 maanden ago | 0

Hiding container of a mask using callback/dynamically
Hi @Naman Jain, I understand that you are trying to control the visibility of containers based on a popup parameter value. I wa...

ongeveer 2 maanden ago | 0

How to change the name of external inputs/outputs in generated code?
Hi @Maksim Sorin, I was able to reproduce the issue on an example Simulink model. The structures generated were as follows: ...

ongeveer 2 maanden ago | 0

Error trying to build an s-function in C
Hi @Pierre-Olivier Desrosiers, I understand that you are trying to make a Simulink model with S-function in C. I was able to re...

ongeveer 2 maanden ago | 0

Variable size signal for integrator in Simulink
Hi @Sam136, I understand that you are passing a variable size input to the integrator block and therefore, Simulink throws the ...

2 maanden ago | 0

How to break FOR loop in simulink
Hi @minhkiyo, I understand that you want to implement a break logic in the ‘for iterator’ subsystem in Simulink. Although the...

2 maanden ago | 2

How to update variant subsystem in Test Sequence?
Hi @Xiang Wang, I understand that you want to automate the testing of your subsystems by using the ‘test sequence’ block to swi...

2 maanden ago | 0

Datatip in Model Linearizer window can not be moved, it dissapears
Hi @Slobodan, I was able to reproduce the issue in MATLAB R2023a and am facing the same problem. I then tried with the same bod...

2 maanden ago | 0

Ho un problema nell'utilizzo, in simulink, del blocco Parameter Writer all'interno del blocco For Each Subsystem
Hi @giuliano d'alterio, I understand that you are trying to implement ‘parameter writer’ blocks to assign properties to a subsy...

2 maanden ago | 0

Memory polynomial for a power amplifier
Hi @Ali, The code provided will always throw an error while calculating “a_ji” because the equation in the loops will end up pr...

3 maanden ago | 0

How to convert a spectrum/spectra to a barcode
Hi @Curious Mind, While there is no direct MATLAB functionality which converts sample data into barcode, you can try out a comb...

3 maanden ago | 0

Inverse einer (singulären) Blockmatrix
Hi @Cem Tuygar, I understand you are not being able to calculate ‘Q’ in the above equation because ‘C’ is a singular matrix. Yo...

3 maanden ago | 0

how to send email from matlab??
Hi @AYUSH RAJ ACHARYA, I was able to reproduce the issue with ‘sendmail()’ that you probably are facing. Maybe you could try ad...

3 maanden ago | 0

Warning: Initializing MATLAB Graphics failed
Hi @Zhang san, The issue may be resolved by running the following commands from MATLAB Command Window: >>> restoredefaultpath ...

3 maanden ago | 0

update vector data to start with a different value at specific point.
Hi @A-Rod, As far as I understand, you are unable to update the value of the vector ‘HiResCalc’ at indices where idx8 becomes l...

3 maanden ago | 0

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