
Pham Dang

Last seen: bijna 2 jaar ago Active since 2011

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Find one string within another within all cell of an array
Please try to replace date_column = file_list(:,3); by date_column = file_list.(3);

ongeveer 8 jaar ago | 0

How to use gca handles to change xtick properties
Hi, you should use the |set| command to set your Xtick property. set(gca,'Xtick',[0 pi 2*pi])

ongeveer 8 jaar ago | 0

I am trying to find out the time delay between two signals using crosscorrelation.
First paragraph of help finddelay ends by : |If Y is delayed with respect to X, D is positive. If Y is advanced with res...

ongeveer 8 jaar ago | 0

creating legend with only string
Hi, you should consider using the _annotation_ command. Add these commands after yours : annotation('textbox',get(h_x,'Pos...

ongeveer 8 jaar ago | 0

| accepted

Reading Text Files in loop
You may consider a small processing to format your file. If you are on Linux, you can use the following command in the matlab co...

ongeveer 8 jaar ago | 0


Define global constant for HDL Coder
Hi, I use the HDL Coder Toolbox to generate Verilog code from my Matlab code. I would like to use a global constant variable...

bijna 9 jaar ago | 1 answer | 1



How do I run a simulation with a transfer function block and a multi dimensional input ?
Hi all, I finally found another workaround to speed up time compilation problem and time simulation : I use the Real Time Worksh...

ongeveer 13 jaar ago | 0


How do I run a simulation with a transfer function block and a multi dimensional input ?
Hello everyone, *[Context]* I want to simulate a complex system many times in order to calculate the average behaviour of the...

ongeveer 13 jaar ago | 6 answers | 1

