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freelancer from Poland
Professional Interests: signal processing, digital/analog communications, RF, Software Defined Radio, Cognitive Radio, SIGINT, COMINT, radiomonitoring, steganography, algotrading, forex, image processing, photography, pattern classification, statistics
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5 Questions
63 Answers
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Text location
check this out: < Adding text annotations to g...
meer dan 9 jaar ago | 1
How can i add echo to a signal
For example: to add an echo after 1s (with amplitude=0.1, phase=pi/3.5) and echo after 1.5 seconds (with a=0.5 and phase=1.2*pi)...
bijna 12 jaar ago | 1
Getting rid of a black background surrounding an Image
[row col pg] = size(bg); pg = zeros(row,col,'uint8'); gr = 255*ones(row,col,'uint8'); canv = cat(3,pg,gr,pg); image(canv)
bijna 12 jaar ago | 0
Compute PSD from fft compared with spectrogram
Spectrogram is time-frequency (3D=time vs freq. vs amplitude) representation of a signal and periodogram/fft is frequency only (...
bijna 12 jaar ago | 0
IFFT of Gaussian-filtered real signal is complex - why?
Your Gaussian filter is *NOT* symmetric in frequency domain. Check this out: stem(fftshift(gaussFilter)) it suppose...
bijna 12 jaar ago | 1
How can i add echo to a signal
load handel; echo_delay = 0.5; % in seconds echo_delay_s = round(echo_delay*Fs); % delay in samples ...
bijna 12 jaar ago | 1
How to get the number of bin and bin edges from chi2gof test
Use this kind [h,p,stats] = chi2gof(...) Then: NumberOfBins = numel(stats.O); And boundaries of i-th bin are: ...
bijna 13 jaar ago | 0
How to reconstruct a sound with data in MATLAB?
Try this: fs=8000; soundsc( pressure-mean(pressure), fs) You should know sampling frequency used in data collecting - here...
meer dan 13 jaar ago | 0
which TI's MCUs are supported by Matlab
meer dan 13 jaar ago | 0
User Defined Function syntax
*Function hints* this is all about. In MATLAB R2008b writing your own hints is not possible - check response #7 on <http://blogs...
meer dan 13 jaar ago | 4
| accepted
Phase-plot when using freqz
It is a matter of expressing angle in degrees or radians. Replace: plot(w,angle(H)) with plot(w, 360/(2*pi)*angle(...
meer dan 13 jaar ago | 1
| accepted
Referencing the name "MATLAB"
spelling: <> EDIT (Good point, Andrew!) pronunciation: load mtlb sound(mtlb)
meer dan 13 jaar ago | 1
Unstable streaming from external device
I suggest you to use |serial| as in <>. Here is how...
meer dan 13 jaar ago | 0
Ouputting for loop into a matrix
Try this: Ci=0.1:0.1:30; Cd=0.1:0.1:30; y=zeros(numel(Ci), numel(Cd)); for i=1:numel(Ci) for j=1:numel(Cd) y...
meer dan 13 jaar ago | 1
USRP N210 Interfacing
No. Currently USRP N210 (it uses UHD) cannot be run in Simulink.
meer dan 13 jaar ago | 2
DSSS Plotting
Try this: plot(20*log(abs(fft(DSSS_time_domain_signal))))
meer dan 13 jaar ago | 0
How to find the maximal and minimal derivatives of noisy signals?
*Differentiator filter* should satisfy your needs. You can use it in your mfile - <
meer dan 13 jaar ago | 0
Uitable's properties
you can simply check the set of properties via: hT=uitable; get(hT)
meer dan 13 jaar ago | 1
| accepted
May I buy idyvidual commercial license in other country I live?
I found that within EU there are significant differences in pricing (incl. tax rates and currency exchange). So the question is....
meer dan 13 jaar ago | 1 answer | 0
How to mask an email address using m-code?
For example my email could be masked as follows: [char([21 8 4 13 8 0 21 0]+97) ''] But this is trivial and very r...
meer dan 13 jaar ago | 5 answers | 1
answers[DISCONTINUED] Wish-list for MATLAB Answer sections.
* replace *votes* by *voting points* IMHO, voting should be connected with reputation (of a person who does the act of voting ...
meer dan 13 jaar ago | 0
want m fille
< Wavelet Toolbox demos>
meer dan 13 jaar ago | 0
How do I divide an image into blocks for processing?
Suppose *|I|* is your image matrix. Trivial way is shown below: s=size(I); wing=1; % ;) bs=2*wing+1; % block...
meer dan 13 jaar ago | 0
handling audio files
Check this out: % v1, v2 - two vectors are given len1=length(v1); len2=length(v2); % LEN=min(len1, len2); V1...
meer dan 13 jaar ago | 0
| accepted
Vector scope.
The problem is in similar wave duration time and sampling time. You may increase your rate of simulation or slow your waveform....
meer dan 13 jaar ago | 1
power spectral density of image
Try this: imagesc( log10(abs(fftshift(fft2(Picture))).^2 ))
meer dan 13 jaar ago | 0
normalisation of frequency axis while using fft function in matlab
You must know frequency sampling, *Fs* . Look at this code: Fs= ; % insert here your frequency sampling in Hz L=length(Va...
meer dan 13 jaar ago | 0
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delimiter usage
It seems to be impossible to use two-spaces-delimiter. You can try make your own *|dlmwrite|* function by edit the original. T...
meer dan 13 jaar ago | 1
| accepted
Application of the Sptool filter
Your generated mfile suppose to look like this %UNTITLED Returns a discrete-time filter object. % M-File generated by MATLA...
meer dan 13 jaar ago | 0
| accepted