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how to perform image classification using convolutional neural network ...please help me with a matlab coded example
Hi Gohan, I understand that you want to know how to use Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for image classification. To use a ...

2 maanden ago | 0

back propagation neural network image classification
Hi, I see that you're looking to train a "BPNN" for an image classification task. The term "BPNN" is primarily found in older l...

2 maanden ago | 0

Classifying images using neural networks?
Hi Shravanthi, I understand that you have used Radial Basis Function (RBF) network for image classification and you want to kno...

2 maanden ago | 0

How can i use the One-shot learning for teaching neural networks to classify image.
Hey Dziri, I understand that you want to classify images using one shot learning technique. One of the most popular one shot le...

2 maanden ago | 0

How to use different train function for LSTM model?
Hi Hongwei, The 'trainlm' optimiser was introduced for 'dlnetworks' in R2024b. To use it please add 'lm' in solverName in tra...

2 maanden ago | 0

My image size is of [566 804 3], what are the useful convolution filter sizes? How can I predict them? Every where I just given the same filter size and same number of filters?
Hi Rokesh, I understand that you want to know which convolution fitler size to choose for you deep learning architecture given ...

2 maanden ago | 0

Hi, I understand that you're asking why two layers of 'bilstm' are used instead of one and why the number of hidden nodes is sp...

2 maanden ago | 0

1. How to build a Deep Learning network which applies multiple sequence inputs into their corresponding LSTM layers separately, then combines the outputs of LSTM together into a classification layer?
Hi, To build these networks with multiple inputs and multiple outputs you need to understand 3 layers ‘additionLayer’, ‘connect...

5 maanden ago | 0

deep learning architecture can explain how connected layers and filters
Hi, The layers you've listed are part of a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture commonly used for image classificati...

5 maanden ago | 0

Approach to sounds recognition with Machine or Deep Learning techniques?
Hi, To classify different sound using MATLAB you can look at the following example,

5 maanden ago | 0

Classify Sound Using Deep Learning database how ?
Hello, Seems like you want to build an audio recognition system, for that you need to learn where to store the dataset and how ...

5 maanden ago | 0

what kind of neural network is suitable for authentication
Hi, Seems like you want to build a face recognition system along with password control. Validating password with usernames is n...

5 maanden ago | 0

How to train a neural network
Hi, One of the ways to create a feed forward network in MATLAB is to use the function ‘feedforwardnet.’ Please go through this ...

5 maanden ago | 0

How to calculate mini-batch MSE value in trainNetwork function?
Hello, I see you're interested in learning more about the trainNetwork function in MATLAB. This function operates similarly to ...

5 maanden ago | 0

Adding image brightness data augmentation to neural network preprocessing
Hello, I understand that you want to do data augmentation in MATLAB, and for that you need to adjust the brightness in ‘augment...

5 maanden ago | 0

how can i augment my images data and save it in this path : C:\Users\hp\Desktop\\My papers\CNN 9\2\Data\S\Images
Hello, I understand that you want to know how to do data augmentation in MATLAB. There are a number of ways in which you can us...

5 maanden ago | 0

How to make convergence criteria for Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm
Hello, From the question I understand you want to know the convergence criteria of Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. The first c...

5 maanden ago | 0

change learning rate trainlm
Hello, From what I understand you want to change the learning rate of ‘trainlm’ optimiser. If you go through the documentation ...

5 maanden ago | 0

matlab r2014a에서 'gwr'은(는) 유형 'struct'의 입력 인수에 대해 정의되지 않은 함수입니다.
Hello, It seems you are facing problem with the ‘gwr’ function in MATLAB, the issue being the function is not able to accept in...

5 maanden ago | 1

Which classifier is best for image classification?
Hey, When selecting the best networks for image classification, the choice depends on your specific application needs. For inst...

5 maanden ago | 0

How to create a bucket in a bucket bucket using MATLAB R213nb
Hi, In MATLAB R2013b, when referring to "buckets within buckets," you're likely talking about hierarchical data structures or n...

5 maanden ago | 0

error using trainNetwork Invalid training data. Responses must be a matrix of numeric responses, or a N-by-1 cell array of sequences, where N is the number of sequences
Hi Arash, Please review this MATLAB answer it would help this case as well,

6 maanden ago | 0

The prediction sequences are of feature dimension 1 but the input layer expects sequences of feature dimension 2.
Hello Arash, The issue seems to lie in how you've structured your data for LSTM training. The input to the time series network ...

6 maanden ago | 0

Error occured while training an rnn model for audio denoising
Hello Niteesh, The issue seems to lie in how you've structured your data for LSTM training. The input to the time series networ...

6 maanden ago | 0

how to build one to many and many to many LSTM in matlab?
Hi, I understand that you're interested in building various sequence-to-sequence models using LSTM networks. This can be effect...

6 maanden ago | 0

matlab read input command
Hi Pali, I understand you want to code a neural network structure with 2 inputs, 1 hidden layer with 4 neurons, and 1 output us...

6 maanden ago | 0

What is the difference between sim (RL toolbox) and directly click "run" in the Simulink Model
Hey, I understand that you are facing worse performance when running directly from simulink. Can you please check the following...

6 maanden ago | 0

matlab运行这行net =trainNetwork(p_train,t_train,layers,options)就闪退(matlab runs this line net =trainNetwork(p_train,t_train,layers,options) and flashes back)
Hi, Based on the information you provided, it appears that MATLAB crashes when you use the 'trainNetwork' function. Please che...

6 maanden ago | 0

| accepted

Error using trainNetwork: Predictors must be a N-by-1 cell array of sequences
Hi David, I understand you're aiming to classify the sequence into a categorical variable of either 0 or 1. For a sequence with...

7 maanden ago | 0

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