
Monica Roberts

Last seen: meer dan 2 jaar ago Active since 2022

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What are the accepted data types for p,d,q in ARIMA model?
The doc identifies that p, D, and q must be "nonnegative integers" of type double. Can you just round your data before passing i...

meer dan 2 jaar ago | 0

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how to take input from created edit fields in app designer
One problem is that you aren't storing the handles to the edit fields as separate entities. As you loop, "app.EditFields" is bei...

meer dan 2 jaar ago | 1

How to find the length of intersection of rows of a matrix?
You can use the "and" command to find which values of each vector both are "true" or equal to 1. If you sum up those values you ...

meer dan 2 jaar ago | 0

exporting figure as .pdf causes axis title to display the Angstrom character incorrectly
It seems to work ok if you use ContentType image. I'd mess with the resolution if you go this route so you get a better looking ...

meer dan 2 jaar ago | 0

How to fix unallignment of box plot in subplot when using sgtitle?
This looks like a bug. You should contact MATLAB support: The...

bijna 3 jaar ago | 1

How do I count how many times in a row a value occurs?
Probably not the fastest/cleanest but this should work. Assuming that A contains at least one value. ind = find(A==1); answer ...

bijna 3 jaar ago | 0

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Inserting a column in an matrix array
You could just delete the duplicate column you don't want anymore: qnew = [q(:,1:i2) v q(:,i2+1:end)]; if i1<i2 qnew(:,i1...

bijna 3 jaar ago | 0

How to account for a change in variabale name when using "find"?
Sounds like a job for regexp. For example: >> regexp("HX210.11.31.M7-LF S0060","HX210*-LF S0060") ans = 1 >>...

bijna 3 jaar ago | 0

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How can I increase the speed and efficiency of this for loop?
I wonder if a lot of time is spent displaying the output in the command window. You could put a semicolon on the ends of the lin...

bijna 3 jaar ago | 1

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How to reset axes plot upon pressing run button within GUI
You could call cla with the uiaxes as the input: cla(app.UIAxes) % Or whatever your uiaxes handle is called

bijna 3 jaar ago | 1

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How to change output of function?
You can use return to exit the function, but depending on how you use this function, it's usually helpful to have a default valu...

bijna 3 jaar ago | 0

I want to show this three arrays in a single UITable in 3 columns.can anyone help me how to code this one in matlab appdesigner??
You can make a table from your data and then populate the uitable "Data" property. First create the table: mydata = table(A',B'...

bijna 3 jaar ago | 0

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How do i tell App Designer to wait for a variable to assume a specific value without pausing the execution of other callbacks?
You could have your exit button simply toggle RunFlag, and then in your "updateplot" function for loop you can check the flag an...

bijna 3 jaar ago | 1

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I need to make a running total of the number of spaces but i cant figure out how?
You could create a sum as you loop through: roomtotal = 0; for c = 1:1:sBuilding(n).bNoOfFloors disp("--------------FLO...

bijna 3 jaar ago | 1

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Operation with components of a vector and for loop
You might consider checking out the built-in matlab function "diff". Or you could loop from 2 to nlocsrif instead.

bijna 3 jaar ago | 0

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How do you display a dynamically changing colormap in the app designer?
The 'CData' is on the imagesc object, which is the child of the axes. You could do a few things: %% Grab the CData from the a...

bijna 3 jaar ago | 0

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I am getting index exceeds the number of array elements. index mustr not exceed ). error
cF is empty, so cF(1) is giving you this error. The issue is that the dir command is looking for the folder "OS105" but you'r...

bijna 3 jaar ago | 0

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