
Al Danial

Last seen: 28 dagen ago Active since 2022

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Author, Python for MATLAB Development, Author, cloc,

Programming Languages:
Python, C++, C, MATLAB, SQL, Perl, Fortran


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How to access elements in numpy.array without converting the array?
Use NumPy's put() function: >> NP = py.importlib.import_module('numpy'); >> x = NP.array([1 3 5 7 9 11]); >> ind = int64([0 2...

12 maanden ago | 0

| accepted


py2mat.m, mat2py.m now more than 3x faster
py2mat.m and mat2py.m are now more than 3x faster when converting variables repeatedly. (py2mat.m and mat2py.m are utilities tha...

ongeveer een jaar ago | 0 answers | 0



source of the python benchmarks
Broadly speaking I'd agree that MATLAB is often faster than Python. However, with a bit of optimization work you can just as of...

ongeveer een jaar ago | 0

call python function in parfor loop
An alternative to parfor is to run the loop in parallel with dask. The function running in parallel, sol_lin(), in your case, c...

meer dan een jaar ago | 0

Making a section in Python like Matlab
Python IDEs such as Spyder also support code cels. The delimiter there is #%%. As in the matlab IDE, in Spyder you can run all...

meer dan een jaar ago | 0

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problems when using scipy.optimize.differential_evolution in Matlab environment
scipy.optimize.differential_evolution() expects a Python function as its first argument. You'll need to translate Residual.m to...

meer dan een jaar ago | 0

Getting python terminal output
The issue is that matlab buffers Python's print statements and only flushes this buffer--meaning print to the Python text in the...

meer dan een jaar ago | 0

How to create a 3D Matrix?
As @Stephen23 mentioned, your expression of "a = " above is a Python list. If instead you return it to matlab as a NumPy array, ...

meer dan een jaar ago | 0

Basic Matlab to python question
The Python equivalent is much more verbose than matlab's [6:10,1:4]: In : import numpy as np In : np.hstack((np.arange(6,11), ...

meer dan een jaar ago | 1

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What is the equivalent of element-wise division in python when denominator contains complex number
Here's my next theory: your code uses the default np.float64 datatype for V_modif. The problem with this is the right hand sid...

meer dan een jaar ago | 0

What is the equivalent of element-wise division in python when denominator contains complex number
Your Python code has a typographical bug, an easy one to make: if you work with complex numbers in Python, you cannot use j as ...

bijna 2 jaar ago | 0

How to write a matlab function in Python?
You didn't show what my_function() looks like. Aside from that, the notation for populating A and B in NumPy is the same as in ...

bijna 2 jaar ago | 0

How to convert Matlab cell array into Python numpy array?
One way to get the 3D array of images in Python is to convert the cell array to a 3D matrix on the matlab side and save that (in...

bijna 2 jaar ago | 0

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Cell array to python list
The easiest way is with mat2py.m: Here's an example: >> a = { eye(2) eye(3) eye(2) } a = 1x3 cell array {2x2 double} {3x...

ongeveer 2 jaar ago | 0

Passing Python function input arguments from Matlab
Integers are tricky because what looks like an integer in MATLAB is actually a double unless you explicitly cast it, for example...

ongeveer 2 jaar ago | 1

List all matlab files in python
As @John mentioned, one way is with the glob function from the module of the same name: from glob import glob Dir = '.' mat_f...

ongeveer 2 jaar ago | 0

Passing Python function input arguments from Matlab
Wrap your MATLAB matrices with py.numpy.array() instead of py.numpy.ndarray() in your call.

ongeveer 2 jaar ago | 0

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Calling Python from Matlab / Can I use Python installed by Anaconda? / "NULL pointer returned from Python."
Try this start-up sequence: first open an Anaconda Prompt or Anaconda PowerShell terminal. Then within that terminal window, t...

ongeveer 2 jaar ago | 1

How can I import python module properly instead of namespace package
Try assigning the import to a variable: asammdf = py.importlib.import_module('asammdf'); then MDF = asammdf.MDF();

ongeveer 2 jaar ago | 1

How can I translate these Matlab statistics into Python?
If this 3840 x 2160 matrix is the only data in the file you could do import numpy as np Yd = np.fromfile('file_with_matrix.bin...

ongeveer 2 jaar ago | 0

How to convert a 1x5x5600 cell in MATLAB to a python list that is (1,5,5600)
Lists, like cell arrays, may be nested so @J C's request is doable. Here's an example with a 1x3x5 cell: % create the cell arr...

ongeveer 2 jaar ago | 0

list comprehension in MATLAB using Python interface
MATLAB's cellfun() and arrayfun() act like Python list comprehensions. You can give them Python functions to act on each item i...

ongeveer 2 jaar ago | 0

Unable to resolve the name 'py.anything' when using Homebrew Python
I won't have a macOS machine handy for a while so I can't experiment. I imagine the MathWorks tech support would know... unless...

ongeveer 2 jaar ago | 1

pyenv Library property empty. Unable to resolve the name (Linux:Pop OS 22.04, python 3.9, R2022a)
On my Ubuntu 20.04 system pyenv returns >> pyenv ans = PythonEnvironment with properties: Version: "3.9" Executable: "/usr...

ongeveer 2 jaar ago | 1


Python for MATLAB Development
Source Code for 'Python for MATLAB Development' by Albert Danial

meer dan 2 jaar ago | 12 downloads |


Matlab numpy array: AttributeError: 'array.array' object has no attribute 'fromstring'
Regarding @Ben 's initial issue, the matlab/python version compatibility table,

meer dan 2 jaar ago | 0

Run pickle file in matlab
This shows how to load a pickle file into MATLAB: pickle = py.importlib.import_module('pickle'); fh ='data.pkl', 'rb'...

meer dan 2 jaar ago | 3

From Python to Matlab
I'm willing to help. How about posting your first cut at the Python code and showing where you're stuck?

meer dan 2 jaar ago | 0

reshape a cell array to be row major
Your first sentence, "Maybe storing the data in a table will end up being more convenient:" proved to be the key. With that ide...

meer dan 2 jaar ago | 0


reshape a cell array to be row major
If I load data with textscan() I'll get back a cell array holding the columns of data. For example fh = fopen('log.txt'); x =...

meer dan 2 jaar ago | 2 answers | 0



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