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Plotting Practice
Plot cos(x) vs x as shown in the figure below. Include the appropriate title, x-label, and y-label. Note, it is case sensitive. ...

bijna 2 jaar ago


Determine if x is a combination of m and n
Given positive integers x, m, and n, determine if x can be written as x = am + bn for any (non-negative) integers a and b. Your ...

bijna 2 jaar ago


Create an arrow matrix
An arrow matrix is a square matrix that contains ones on the diagonal, the last column, and last row. ...

bijna 2 jaar ago


Calculating Student Grades
The matrix grades contains raw grades for 7 students who took your course. Each row represents a different student. The first 7 ...

bijna 2 jaar ago


Dog Statistics
The vectors ht and wt contains the heights and weights of 20 golden retrievers. In some cases, it was not possible to make both ...

bijna 2 jaar ago


Generate this matrix
Generate the following matrix. n = 2; out = [-4 -3 -2 -1 0 -3 -2 -1 0 1 -...

bijna 2 jaar ago


Simpson's Paradox - Calculate correlation coefficients for groups of data
Simpson's Paradox is a statistical phenomenon where groups of data can have a characteristic while the whole data set together h...

bijna 2 jaar ago


Find the minimum of the column-maximums of a matrix
Given a matrix A, find the maximum value of each column, then return the smallest of those maximum values (ie return the minimum...

bijna 2 jaar ago


Calculate the mean of each half of a matrix
Given a matrix with an even number of columns, n, return a 1-by-2 row vector where the first element is the mean of all the elem...

bijna 2 jaar ago


Find Closest Constant
Given a number x, return the value that is closest to x from this list of constants: 0, 1, , e, , (also known as ). For exampl...

bijna 2 jaar ago


Matrix Quadrants
Write a function that takes N as the input, and outputs a matrix whose upper-left (NxN) quadrant contains all ones, the lower-ri...

bijna 2 jaar ago


Given two arrays, find the maximum overlap
Given two (integer) arrays s1 and s2, create a new array s3 which is as short as possible and contains both arrays. #1 s1 = [...

bijna 2 jaar ago


Renaming a field in a structure array
MATLAB has a < setfield> and a <

bijna 2 jaar ago


Knight's Tour Checker
Given a matrix a, determine whether or not a legal <'s_tour knight's tour> is present. The kn...

bijna 2 jaar ago


Calculate BMI
Given a matrix |hw| (height and weight) with two columns, calculate BMI using these formulas: * 1 kilogram = 2.2 pounds * 1 ...

bijna 2 jaar ago


What is the next step in Conway's Life?
Given a matrix A that represents the state of Conway's game of Life at one instant (time t=n), return the matrix B that represen...

bijna 2 jaar ago


Calculate the Levenshtein distance between two strings
This problem description is lifted from The Levenshtein distance between two...

bijna 2 jaar ago


Target sorting
Sort the given list of numbers |a| according to how far away each element is from the target value |t|. The result should return...

bijna 2 jaar ago


Get the area codes from a list of phone numbers
Given a string of text with phone numbers in it, return a unique'd cell array of strings that are the area codes. s = '508-647...

bijna 2 jaar ago


Counting in Finnish
Sort a vector of single digit whole numbers alphabetically by their name, in Finnish. See the Wikipedia page for <http://en.wik...

bijna 2 jaar ago


It dseon't mettar waht oedrr the lrettes in a wrod are.
An internet meme from 2003 (read more here) asserted that readers are relatively insensitive to letter order in words, so long a...

bijna 2 jaar ago


Indexed Probability Table
This question was inspired by a Stack Overflow question forwarded to me by Matt Simoneau. Given a vector x, make an indexed pro...

bijna 2 jaar ago


Find state names that start with the letter N
Given a list of US states, remove all the states that start with the letter N. If s1 = 'Alabama Montana Nebraska Vermont Ne...

bijna 2 jaar ago


Remove the polynomials that have positive real elements of their roots.
The characteristic equation for a dynamic system is a polynomial whose roots indicate its behavior. If any of the roots of the p...

bijna 2 jaar ago


Longest Divisor Run
Given the vector a, find the longest run of consecutive numbers that can be evenly divided by the same number d where d > 1. ...

bijna 2 jaar ago


Prime factor digits
Consider the following number system. Calculate the prime factorization for each number n, then represent the prime factors in a...

bijna 2 jaar ago


Remove the small words from a list of words.
Your job is to tidy up a list of words that appear in a string. The words are separated by one or more spaces. Remove all words ...

bijna 2 jaar ago


Mandelbrot Numbers
The < Mandelbrot Set> is built around a simple iterative equation. z(1) = c z...

bijna 2 jaar ago


Test for balanced parentheses
Given the input inStr, give the boolean output out indicating whether all the parentheses are balanced. Examples: * If ...

bijna 2 jaar ago


DNA N-Gram Distribution
Given a string s and a number n, find the most frequently occurring n-gram in the string, where the n-grams can begin at any poi...

bijna 2 jaar ago

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