
Make a Plot with Functions
Make a plot and test

meer dan 2 jaar ago


Remove the vowels
Remove all the vowels in the given phrase. Example: Input s1 = 'Jack and Jill went up the hill' Output s2 is 'Jck nd Jll wn...

meer dan 2 jaar ago


Summing Digits within Text
Given a string with text and digits, add all the numbers together. Examples: Input str = '4 and 20 blackbirds baked in a...

meer dan 2 jaar ago


Return a list sorted by number of occurrences
Given a vector x, return a vector y of the unique values in x sorted by the number of occurrences in x. Ties are resolved by a ...

meer dan 2 jaar ago


Maximum running product for a string of numbers
Given a string s representing a list of numbers, find the five consecutive numbers that multiply to form the largest number. Spe...

meer dan 2 jaar ago


Find relatively common elements in matrix rows
You want to find all elements that exist in greater than 50% of the rows in the matrix. For example, given A = 1 2 3 5 ...

meer dan 2 jaar ago


Prime factor digits
Consider the following number system. Calculate the prime factorization for each number n, then represent the prime factors in a...

meer dan 2 jaar ago


Mandelbrot Numbers
The < Mandelbrot Set> is built around a simple iterative equation. z(1) = c z...

meer dan 2 jaar ago


Get the area codes from a list of phone numbers
Given a string of text with phone numbers in it, return a unique'd cell array of strings that are the area codes. s = '508-647...

meer dan 2 jaar ago


It dseon't mettar waht oedrr the lrettes in a wrod are.
An internet meme from 2003 (read more here) asserted that readers are relatively insensitive to letter order in words, so long a...

meer dan 2 jaar ago


Find the peak 3n+1 sequence value
A Collatz sequence is the sequence where, for a given number n, the next number in the sequence is either n/2 if the number is e...

meer dan 2 jaar ago


Finding Perfect Squares
Given a vector of numbers, return true if one of the numbers is a square of one of the numbers. Otherwise return false. Example...

meer dan 2 jaar ago


Given two arrays, find the maximum overlap
Given two (integer) arrays s1 and s2, create a new array s3 which is as short as possible and contains both arrays. #1 s1 = [...

meer dan 2 jaar ago


Alphabetize by last name
Given a list of names in a cell array, sort the list by the last name. So if list = {'Barney Google','Snuffy Smith','Dagwood ...

meer dan 2 jaar ago


Determine whether a vector is monotonically increasing
Return true if the elements of the input vector increase monotonically (i.e. each element is larger than the previous). Return f...

meer dan 2 jaar ago


Select every other element of a vector
Write a function which returns every other element of the vector passed in. That is, it returns the all odd-numbered elements, s...

meer dan 2 jaar ago


You have a two vectors, a and b. They are monotonic and the same length. Given a value, va, where va is between a(1) and a(end...

meer dan 2 jaar ago


Find state names that end with the letter A
Given a list of US states, remove all the states that end with the letter A. Example: Input s1 = 'Alabama Montana Nebras...

meer dan 2 jaar ago


Find the sum of all the numbers of the input vector
Find the sum of all the numbers of the input vector x. Examples: Input x = [1 2 3 5] Output y is 11 Input x ...

meer dan 2 jaar ago


Make the vector [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]
In MATLAB, you create a vector by enclosing the elements in square brackets like so: x = [1 2 3 4] Commas are optional, s...

meer dan 2 jaar ago


Determine if input is odd
Given the input n, return true if n is odd or false if n is even.

meer dan 2 jaar ago


Add two numbers
Given a and b, return the sum a+b in c.

meer dan 2 jaar ago


Times 2 - START HERE
Try out this test problem first. Given the variable x as your input, multiply it by two and put the result in y. Examples:...

meer dan 2 jaar ago

How to generate this pin wheel toy dataset?
How about this: % Pin Wheel r = 0:100; v = 2*pi*r/200; % fit n = 5; m = 1; % fit r0 = 0.5*max(r)^m; % fit figure;hold on;...

meer dan 4 jaar ago | 0

| accepted

How to generate this pin wheel by code or Equation
How about this: % Pin Wheel r = 0:100; v = 2*pi*r/200; % fit n = 5; m = 1; % fit r0 = 0.5*max(r)^m; % fit figure;hold on;...

meer dan 4 jaar ago | 1

| accepted

Frequency weighted RMS acceleration (ISO 2631-1)
Hello Prajakt, You probably solved your problem by now, but I can see that your question still gets a lot of views, so it may s...

meer dan 5 jaar ago | 1

Is it possible to make a 4CP plot in Matlab?
Here is my implementation (vibrationnomogram.m): ...

ongeveer 6 jaar ago | 0


Vibration Nomogram
VIBRATIONNOMOGRAM creates a 4CP log-log figure with acceleration, velocity and displacement grid lines and optionally graph(s).

ongeveer 6 jaar ago | 17 downloads |

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