
Ned Gulley

Last seen: 3 dagen ago Active since 2011

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How to get data from web?
URLREAD expects US-style usage of commas and stops in numbers. So in a number like 150,228.17 it will ignore the comma and retur...

ongeveer 7 jaar ago | 0

| accepted

Is it legal to publish the source code of Matlab's toolbox functions?
In general, just keep in mind that it’s not okay to take code from MathWorks products and give it away, whether through MATLAB A...

meer dan 7 jaar ago | 11

| accepted


How to import Excel data from a spreadsheet with cross-file references?
I have an Excel spreadsheet, call it Spreadsheet A, that I want to read into MATLAB. The Import Tool works well for this. Exc...

ongeveer 9 jaar ago | 2 answers | 0



regular expressions resources and regular expression problem
Another way to get good at regular expressions is to practice on Cody with <

ongeveer 11 jaar ago | 1

Single title spanning a nxn subplot
You might want to try < suplabel> from the File Exchange.

meer dan 11 jaar ago | 0

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Function to format number as currency?
Using SPRINTF is the way to go, but getting the commas right is tricky. I turned this into a question for Cody to see what folks...

meer dan 12 jaar ago | 1

How to separate this DNA sequence?
Here's a simple way to chunk your DNA up into codons. Then you can just pull the rows off to get each triplet. >> sequence =...

meer dan 12 jaar ago | 2

| accepted

Miller Cylindrical Projection
One option is to use the < Mapping Toolbox>, which has a function to do exactly this p...

meer dan 12 jaar ago | 0

How do I get a parameter to resolve when following the '%%' section header definer while using 'publish' command?
Publishing using cell mode markup doesn't permit passing parameters in the way you describe. Section heads can't contain paramet...

bijna 13 jaar ago | 0

getting the variable size value
To find the size, use < |size|>. [m,n] = size(X) m = size(X,dim) So t...

ongeveer 13 jaar ago | 0

Colouring stacked bar chart
Try Brandon Levey's < Hatch fill ...

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 0

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Passing data between two different GUI windows
Here's a tricky non-Guide way to do it. Change the data in the text box and press return to plot the data in figure 2. % Ma...

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 0

Can one suppress the display of dataset objects triggered by mouseover (datatips)?
Mike's blog may be of service here: < Exploring ...

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 0

Decreasing scale on graphs
Is this what you're looking for? plot(Times,TDCall) set(gca,'XDir','reverse')

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 0

How do I read Text from HTML file ?
Try something like this: url = ''; html = urlread(url); % Use regular expressions to remove undesi...

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 10

| accepted

How to implement a neural network feedforward backpropagation network?
A quick Google search turned up this MATLAB-based approach: <

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 0


How do I write a good question for MATLAB Answers?
I want to get fast and accurate help with my question. What information should I include in the question? How should I phras...

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 5 answers | 12



Shortest Path
< Joseph Kirk> has some files on...

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 0

Simple example which explains contour plotting
Try these pages in the documentation for < contour>.

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 0

Can we "Watch" Answers?
Take a look at Randy's answer to this question: <

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 2

Eigenvector calculation
When I run the eig command (see help here: < eig>) I don't get any complex eige...

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 0

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How do I remove the empty cells from a vector of cells?
Here's one way to do it. strs = {'one','','two','three','','','four',''}; empties = find(cellfun(@isempty,strs)); % ...

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 3


How do I remove the empty cells from a vector of cells?
I have a vector of cells which contain strings. Some of the cells in the vector are empty. I want to remove the empty cells from...

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 5 answers | 7



How do I cut H and E planes from a 3D plot of an antenna radiation pattern?
You might find Eric Ludlam's < Sliceomatic> file (from the Fi...

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 1

How do I simplify a symbolic expression into numeric output?
It looks like you've got a symbolic expression. You can substitute real numeric values for x1 and x2 like this: % Defin...

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 6


Why does 1 - 2/3 - 1/3 not equal zero?
Try this: >> 1 - 2/3 - 1/3 MATLAB gets the wrong answer: 5.5511e-017

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 4 answers | 8



How do I turn off the grid in a polar plot?
It's a shame that it's not easier to do this, but here is a Solution that explains how to do it: <

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 2

| accepted


How do I turn off the grid in a polar plot?
For a normal MATLAB plot, I can turn the grid off and on with the |grid| command. x = 1:10; plot(x,sin(x)) grid on ...

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 3 answers | 2



How to extract leading non-zero digit?
You'll probably need to do some kind of textual manipulation. Here's one way to do it. function y = leadingDigit(x) s = s...

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 4