yanqi liu
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read medical images (mhd and raw format)
yes,sir,may use some toolbox,such as https://github.com/mattgibb/segmentation/blob/master/matlab/read_mri_data.m https://www.f...
meer dan 2 jaar ago | 0
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How can I read a 12 digit code in a grayscale image?
yes,sir,may be use YOLO to detect and classify,add some cnn process to classify the region image if possible,can just use ctc n...
meer dan 2 jaar ago | 0
Error using ./ in train faster RCNN
yes,sir,may be make image size to same,such as augmentedImageDatastore make image to 227*227
meer dan 2 jaar ago | 0
Deep learning toolbox keeps disappearing
yes,sir,may be use type=classify(net.Faridtypeclassifier,mat2gray(X));
meer dan 2 jaar ago | 0
how to open nrrd format using matlab
yes,sir,may be just modify the function,such as g = nrrdread('Segmentation.nrrd'); figure; imshow(g(:,:,100), [])
meer dan 2 jaar ago | 0
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Remove centroid locations of objects that are too close
yes,sir,may be use pdist2, such as xf = rand(1, 10); yf = rand(1, 10); %using a loop M=[]; for j=1:length(xf) for i=1:...
meer dan 2 jaar ago | 1
Why lost original file?
yes, sir, if you save the net to mat file,may be use save file.mat variable, such as save the cnn_model save a.mat cnn_model t...
meer dan 2 jaar ago | 0
Exporting the ground truth file in Image labeler isn't working as expected.
yes,sir,may be use save data.mat or save data.mat DataSource LabelDefinitions LabelData wait it done,and then check the data...
meer dan 2 jaar ago | 0
How to 'aggregate' a stack of images (picture 1) in matlab as in attached picture 2
yes,sir,may be use eval and for loop to make the structer,such as for i = 1:10 figure(i); imshow(eval(sprintf('df.x%d...
meer dan 2 jaar ago | 0
creating a negative class in resnet50 classification model
yes,sir,may be use the score,if score is smaller,such as < 0.1,then make the image as Nan class,and save them to analysis.
meer dan 2 jaar ago | 0
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Selecting multiple ROI in images for processing
yes,sir,may be use roipoly to make shape,such as im = imread('cameraman.tif'); figure; imshow(im); hold on; pts = []; while ...
meer dan 2 jaar ago | 0
Using a cell array as input for a for loop
yes,sir,may be check the file,such as for i = 1 : length(uni_path_list) files = spm_select('List', uni_path_list{i}); ...
meer dan 2 jaar ago | 0
How to read image character with OCR?
yes,sir,may be vd=find(comp==max(comp)) to find what vd is? is the vd in range
meer dan 2 jaar ago | 0
Extracting max intensity coordinates from image sequence
yes,sir,may be use some index to transfer,such as im = imread('rice.png'); [max_p, ~] = max(im(:)); disp(max_p) ind = find(i...
meer dan 2 jaar ago | 0
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Extract horizontal and vertical lines from raster image
yes,sir,may be use open and close operation,such as load Iraster.mat bw = im2bw(Iraster); bw2 = imclose(bw, strel('line', 1e2...
meer dan 2 jaar ago | 0
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How to fix Image tearing in video ? Why it Happen ?
yes,sir,may be use imresize to make image to smaller,or just use subplot(1,1,1); such as >> im = imread('football.jpg'); >>...
meer dan 2 jaar ago | 0
How can I reject an image when the given template is not being matched (depending on any threshold value)?
yes,sir,may be set some thresh to make accept or reject rules,such as % Demo to use normxcorr2 to find a template (a white onio...
meer dan 2 jaar ago | 0
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How to store sequence of images generated from MATLAB online in a Folder
yes,sir,may be check the folder,such as fb = cwtfilterbank('Signallength',length(x),'Wavelet', 'amor'); colormap = jet(128); ...
meer dan 2 jaar ago | 1
how to count leaves?
yes,sir,what is leaves,is it the bigger area,may be use image segment,such as im = imread('https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcent...
meer dan 2 jaar ago | 0
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Display same slice across all 3d images in the same folder
yes,sir,may be use for loop to get image list,and use data(:,:,12) to get the 12th slice
meer dan 2 jaar ago | 0
Hello! I have an aspheric lens and I need to know the parameters of this lens, for that I need to know the surface's equation, can I use MATLAB to know the lens coordinates?
yes,sir,may be use image segment to get the edge,and then use fit_ellipse to get the parameters,such as im = imread('https://ww...
meer dan 2 jaar ago | 0
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can someone help me edit the code below so that the output image can display the value of rotation angle of the object with axis guide
yes,sir,may be use minboundrect to get the rect area,such as
meer dan 2 jaar ago | 0
Apply semanticseg to multiple images
yes,sir,may be make images to image dataset or just to 4-D format,such as >> size(I3) ans = 720 960 3 2 >...
meer dan 2 jaar ago | 0
Hi all, how to create image datasets. I need them to train neural networks. I have about 15 to 20 images and I need to turn these images into an image dataset. Please.
yes,sir,may be use cnn transfer to train model,such as unzip('MerchData.zip'); % use image folder to get dataset imds = imag...
meer dan 2 jaar ago | 0
Training my YOLOv2 object detector failed
yes,sir,may be use yolo v3、v4 to test,such as https://ww2.mathworks.cn/matlabcentral/fileexchange/72520-yolov3-yolov4-matlab
meer dan 2 jaar ago | 0
How to save an image which only display properly using imshow(grayImg,[])?
yes,sir,may be use imwrite(mat2gray(grayImg),outputFileName); and, then to check the file
meer dan 2 jaar ago | 0
how can i Find a midline using two lines
yes,sir,which is the center line,is it like this? may be check https://ww2.mathworks.cn/matlabcentral/answers/1712640-how-...
meer dan 2 jaar ago | 0
How to create a centerline between lines in image?
yes,sir,which is the target line,may be check this https://ww2.mathworks.cn/matlabcentral/answers/1712640-how-to-create-centerl...
meer dan 2 jaar ago | 0
I am getting error in this imread statement. I don't know where it's wrong, please help, thanks
yes,sir,may be make some parameters to the function,such as re = img2coe3('./1.png', imread('football.jpg'));
meer dan 2 jaar ago | 0
How to rotate an image in Matlab
yes,sir,may be rot90,such as im = imread('football.jpg'); for i = 1 : 4 im = rot90(im, 1); figure; imshow(im, []); ...
meer dan 2 jaar ago | 0