Image Analyst
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Senior Scientist (male/man) and Inventor in one of the world's 10 largest industrial corporations doing image analysis full time. Ph.D. in Optical Sciences specializing in imaging, image processing, and image analysis. 44+ years of military, academic, and (mostly) industrial experience with image analysis programming and algorithm development. Experience designing custom light booths and other imaging systems. Experience with color and monochrome imaging, video analysis, thermal, ultraviolet, hyperspectral, CT, MRI, radiography, profilometry, microscopy, NIR and Raman spectroscopy, etc. on a huge variety of subjects. Member of the Mathworks Community Advisory Board. Be sure to click "View All" in my File Exchange to see ALL of my demos and tutorials: Professional Interests: Image analysis and processing
MATLAB, Visual Basic
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Professional Interests:
Image Data Workflows, Industrial Statistics, Image Processing and Computer Vision
0 Questions
39.215 Answers
17 Files
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1 Solution
32 Highlights
of 296.105
0 Questions
39.215 Answers
29 of 20.336
17 Files
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32 Highlights
How to count the amount of small squares in this picture?
See my Image Segmentation Tutorial in my File Exchange: Image Analyst's File Exchange It's a generic, general purpose demo of ...
6 dagen ago | 0
How would find the average within each region?
Try (untested) function blockMean = recursiveSplit(img, origin, sizeBlock, threshold) % Extract the current block x = origin(...
11 dagen ago | 0
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how can i read letters from an input and make them numbers to make an array from those numbers
Try this: validInputs = {'AB', 'BC', 'CD', 'DE', 'AD'}; selectedIndex = listdlg("PromptString",'Select an option', 'ListString...
12 dagen ago | 0
Hi, everyone!
Please change the subject line of your post because it's not informative. You can set the heatmap to whatever you want. If l...
14 dagen ago | 0
i need help with this code please
You can use the AI Chat Playground to get you started.
15 dagen ago | 1
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Identifying and extracting clusters of points from image
If you know the number of clusters, then kmeans or knnsearch might be the way to go, or even SVM (support vector machine). If y...
16 dagen ago | 0
cannot find function even it is in path
If you try to run a script that is not in the current folder or on the path, it will popup a message prompting you to change the...
16 dagen ago | 0
How to make a stem graph to display less points?
Use axis % Make t axis go from -3 to the maximum. axis([-3, max(t)]); If you have any more questions, then attach your data a...
17 dagen ago | 0
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Can MATLAB plot a graph like this? (Ignore the black lines and light blue areas; I only care about the red and blue points.)
Instead of bubble chart, try scatter where you can specify the color and size of each marker.
17 dagen ago | 0
Finding slope of a curve at some specific points
Wouldn't the average velocity just be the total displacement divided by the total time? I don't see why you need to compute the...
18 dagen ago | 0
I just want to keep track of the object I selected.
The Computer Vision Toolbox has some tracking capabilities. Look them up.
18 dagen ago | 0
How to identify such functions as addpath that are coming with MATLAB?
@Henning Søgaard and @Paul, try this: % Demo by Image Analyst to notify user if one of their m-files % is also a built-in func...
19 dagen ago | 0
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Speoial character in struct fieldname
Have them start with a letter and use underscores instead of dots. fn = {'v0_05', 'v0_10', 'v0_15', 'v0_20', 'v0_25', 'v0_30', ...
20 dagen ago | 0
MATLAB will not open in MacOS Sequoia15.1
If you don't get an answer here today, then I suggest you call tech support tomorrow for installation support. Do exactly what ...
20 dagen ago | 0
How to identify such functions as addpath that are coming with MATLAB?
Are you trying to find out what functions are called in your code so you can determine what toolboxes are needed, and which of y...
20 dagen ago | 0
I have an error using walsh. It says
I recreated your problem: >> walsh Execution of script walsh as a function is not supported: C:\Users\Mark\Documents\MATLAB\w...
22 dagen ago | 0
Why did the MATLAB runtime application worked improperly
Did a console window pop up? Can you look there for error messages? If it went away, then make sure your mcc is not using the ...
23 dagen ago | 0
How do I extract data from a structure using a for loop?
Not really. Fields are not ordered by number. They have names. What is the name of the "final" field in the 10 upper level fi...
23 dagen ago | 0
How to save and load all the states of checkboxes and etc
See the Official Mathworks support answer:
24 dagen ago | 0
How to save and load MATLAB app?
@William, see the official Mathworks support on the topic of saving the state or values of controls from one of your app's sessi...
24 dagen ago | 0
Pause button not functioning
Try uiwait and helpdlg while whatever % Make some figure in the loop hFig = figure; % Then pause asking user to ...
24 dagen ago | 0
How to find the gait energy image(GEI) in matlab from a sequence of gait images saved in a folder?
See attached demo for averaging together all the images in a folder. It will probably work for grayscale images too.
24 dagen ago | 0
How can I search for all occurrences of built-in MATLAB functions called from multiple .m and .mlx files?
You might try to get a list of functions by using dir() to find all m-files in all subfolders of your MATLAB installation folder...
24 dagen ago | 0
Apple Silicon Mac Get an Error :"Something Unexpected Occurred" error when installing MATLAB documentation
I'd do exactly what it says in the FAQ:,_the_installer_crashes,_hangs,_g...
24 dagen ago | 0
interp1 function not working properly
Like @Subhajyoti said, linspace would be the preferred way to get exactly the number of elements you want and to get it to end e...
25 dagen ago | 0
Extract border points from surface points (compatible with autogeneration in C)
Try alphaShape help alphaShape th = (pi/12:pi/12:2*pi)'; x1 = [reshape(cos(th)*(1:5), numel(cos(th)*(1:5)),1); 0]; y1 = [r...
25 dagen ago | 0
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Multi parameter input multiparameter (x,y graph) output model for prediction
Sounds like a partial least squares situation since variables are related. However, why don't you give the "Regression Learner"...
25 dagen ago | 0
how to separate two graphe in one figure
If you want one plot or surface to be "lifted" above the other, you can add an offset to the one you want shifted. Be aware tha...
25 dagen ago | 0
Looking for pixel as unit
Not sure what you mean. A digital image is a matrix. A pixel is just a value at a particular location in the matrix. I don't ...
25 dagen ago | 0
Fingertips detection from image
Dirk-Jan Kroon has done it. See these File Exchange submissions of his:
25 dagen ago | 0
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