
Astarag Chattopadhyay


Last seen: ongeveer een maand ago Active since 2017

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How do I access the H.264 RTSP stream of my IP Camera in MATLAB?
Beginning with MATLAB R2020b, the MATLAB Support Package for IP Cameras supports H.264 RTSP streams. You can download the late...

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 1

| accepted


How do I access the H.264 RTSP stream of my IP Camera in MATLAB?
I have an IP Camera that supports H.264 encoded RTSP stream. I would like to access the stream in MATLAB and get the image frame...

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 1 answer | 2



does it is possible to live stream video in matlab with H.264 codec
The support for H.264 encoded RTSP streams in MATLAB Support Package for IPCameras is now available with MATLAB version R2020b.

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 0

How to run webcam on an axis in app designer ?
Hi Ahmer, You do not need to use "videoinput" object you can use "webcam" object. In your app define two properties like this...

ongeveer 6 jaar ago | 3

| accepted

What is the activation in an LSTM and fully connected layer?
Hi Christos, Long Short-Term Memory networks have tanh and sigmoid as the internal activation functions. You can see more det...

meer dan 6 jaar ago | 0

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Times 2 - START HERE
Try out this test problem first. Given the variable x as your input, multiply it by two and put the result in y. Examples:...

meer dan 6 jaar ago

Access weights from FC layer in googlenet.
Hi Maximilian, I am assuming you are importing the GoogLeNet by using net = googlenet; Here all the information is st...

meer dan 6 jaar ago | 0

Issue with Neural Network and GoogLeNet
Hi Pranav, You need to install "Neural Network Toolbox Model for GoogLeNet Network" support package from the Add-ons browser ...

meer dan 6 jaar ago | 0

Figure(s) won't show when publishing to PDF
Hi, You can try to use the renderer 'painters' to print the pdf and see if it resolves the issue you are facing. You can use ...

bijna 7 jaar ago | 0

Why is plot not showing a line?
Hi, The size of X-axis data and Y-axis data is not the same in the 'plot' command of the above code snippet. As I understand ...

bijna 7 jaar ago | 0

Converting Cell into Datetime; InputFormat Problem
Hi, You can follow this <

bijna 7 jaar ago | 0

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How to get column and row number while searching for specific text in excel.
Hi, You can use the following code snippet to find out the column number and the row number of a matching string in an Excels...

ongeveer 7 jaar ago | 0

How to solve the problem of unsupported board/processor "f28377" in Matlab2017a?
Hi, You need to have CCS V6 or later to work with C2000 F2837xS processors. Please follow this documentation <https://in.m...

ongeveer 7 jaar ago | 0