Cycling — Critical Power - MATLAB Cody - MATLAB Central

Problem 3065. Cycling — Critical Power


From Training and Racing with a Power Meter by Allen and Coggan:

"A number of equations have been presented in the scientific literature describing human power output as a function of time, some derived from modeling based on the underlying physiology, and some simply derived empirically. One of the simplest and most robust, though, is the original "critical power" concept first proposed by H. Monod around 1960. Various formulations of this idea have been presented, but the original equation is a hyperbolic of the form: t = AWC / (P – CP), where t is time to exhaustion [in seconds], P is current power [in Watts], CP is work rate (i.e., power) asymptote, and AWC is degree of curvature of the relationship."

You will be given values for AWC and CP. Write a function to return the time that the cyclist can maintain for an array of power (P) values. The times should be rounded to the nearest second. If P <= CP, the cyclist can theoretically maintain that power indefinitely (Inf).

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52.5% Correct | 47.5% Incorrect
Last Solution submitted on May 29, 2024

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