The most frequently asked questions about MATLAB and Simulink
Data Import and Analysis
- How do I find the indices of the maximum (or minimum) value of my matrix?
- How can I import data from .csv file with numeric values and texts (with column headers) into MATLAB Workspace?
- how to import csv file in matlab
- Print a statement to the Command Window
- How can I export a matrix as a CSV file?
- How to display a string and matrix in MATLAB?
- How do I save data to a TXT file?
- RMSE - Root mean square Error
- How can I create animated GIF images in MATLAB?
- To find the maximum value in a matrix?
- energy concentration in time frequency distribution
Graphics: Basics
- How can I insert a title over a group of subplots?
- Adding vertical line to plot?
- How do I change the font size for text in my figure?
- How do I skip items in a legend?
- How do I plot a circle with a given radius and center?
- How do I add a marker at one specific point on a plot?
- sine wave plot
- TeX (LaTeX math mode) symbols in legends and labels in MATLAB figures
- How would I open multiple figures from one script.
- Add various horizontal lines to a plot
- Input a variable into a plot title
- How do I combine multiple plots in one graph?
- How do I control axis tick labels, limits, and axes tick locations?
- How do I add a title to each subplot?
- How to plot multiple lines in a graph?
Graphics: Objects
- How to change figure size?
- How do I plot lines with different line widths?
- how to set y-axis as log scale?
- How to change the line width for fplot?
- How do I change the marker size for a plot?
- How do I change the font size in my legend?
- How do I extract data from MATLAB figures?
- How do I make a figure full screen programmatically in MATLAB?
- how to set graph size
- How can I change the font size of the current axis?
- How to make figure window change size
- How can I change the font size of plot tick labels?
Installation and Licensing
- Why do I receive License Manager Error -8?
- Why do I receive License Manager Error -9?
- What is a Host ID? How do I find my Host ID in order to activate my license?
- Why do I receive License Manager Error -15?
- Why do I receive License Manager Error -96?
- Why do I get a connection error when installing or activating MATLAB or other MathWorks products?
- How do I activate MATLAB or other MathWorks Products?
- How do I install additional toolboxes into an existing installation of MATLAB?
- How do I find my username in order to install or activate my license?
- Where can I find the Activation Key and File Installation Key for my license?
- Why do I receive License Manager Error -4?
- Why do I receive License Manager Error -95?
- How do I launch MATLAB on Linux?
- Where can I find MATLAB license files?
- How can I install MATLAB or other MathWorks products on an offline machine?
- How can I get MATLAB installation files for use on an offline machine?
- How can I determine what add-ons I have installed?
- How do I update my MATLAB license file for an Individual or Designated Computer license?
Language Fundamentals: Basics
- How to convert a 1x1 cell to a string?
- How to get 'type' of a variable in matlab?
- Why do I get the error "Unrecognized function or variable"?
- How do I create a for loop in MATLAB?
- Cell conversion to double
- How can I remove NaN values from a matrix?
- How do I comment out a large block of code in MATLAB?
- How to convert a matrix of double to int?
- "double" vs. "uint8" input using "imshow" function
- How do I change the number display from scientific notation to the full number in digits?
- Do while loop in Matlab
Language Fundamentals: Matrices and Arrays
- delete element from vector
- Add SINGLE element to array or vector
- Count number of specific values in matrix
- convert matrix in single column
- How do you initialize an N*M matrix?
- Find closest value in array
- Append rows at the end of Matrix
- Adding elements to an array
- How to add elements to the end of an array?
- How to remove zeros from an array?
- How can I count the occurrences of each element in a vector in MATLAB?
- extract first row from matrix
- How to specifically select columns in a data matrix?
- Index in position 2 exceeds array bounds (must not exceed 1) ??
- FAQ: How can I create variables A1, A2,...,A10 in a loop?
Language Fundamentals: Operators and Elementary Operations
- Find index of cells containing my string
- “if” statement using “or” operator.
- How can I find index of element in array?
- How to use not equal to '~=' operator in if statement?
- Using AND Operator in “if” statements
- check whether a number belongs to an array or not
- how to find out if a number is even or not
- How to find the position of a number in an array?
Additional Resources
Learn the essentials of MATLAB® through this free, two-hour introductory tutorial on commonly used features and workflows.
All MATLAB® functions have supporting documentation that includes examples and describes the function inputs, outputs, and calling syntax.
Online support for MATLAB, Simulink, and other MathWorks products. Access documentation, examples, solutions to common issues, and community forums.
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