What is wrong with the angle???
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% filename: BeltForce.m % purpose: a function to compute the forces on a belt which wraps a % cylinder % input: F2(force in other side of cylinder),Micro(friction coefficient), % Beta(angle of wrap of belt around the cylinder),all inputs are % numerical arrays. % output: F1(Force on another part) % B.Sobati % 10/8/2013
function [F1] = BeltForce(F2,Micro,Beta) F1 = (F2)*((exp(1))^(Micro*(Beta)));
>> BeltForce(100,.3,130)
ans =
>>> by putting 100 & 0.3 & 130 for F2 & Micro & Beta(in degree) the answer should be 197.5217
why do I get the wrong result??
Accepted Answer
Matthew Crema
on 8 Oct 2013
Maybe you want to specify Beta in radians and not degrees:
BeltForce(100, 0.3, 130*pi/180)
ans =
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