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Calling Functions Vectors Array

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T on 6 Oct 2013
Commented: T on 6 Oct 2013
Suppose I have the following function:
function c = relation( n )
if n==0
c = 1;
elseif n==1
syms x
c = [x 0];
syms x
c = ((2*n-1)*x*[relation(n-1),0] - (n-1)*[0,0,relation(n-2)])/n;
Suppose I choose n = 8, c will output an array but that's not useful to me. I want to plot the polynomial, so I use sum(c) and copy and paste the output and plot it. Is there a way to call 'c' ?

Accepted Answer

Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek on 6 Oct 2013
syms x
c1 = ((2*n-1)*x*[relation(n-1),0] - (n-1)*[0,0,relation(n-2)])/n;
  1 Comment
T on 6 Oct 2013
I get errors with those commands:
??? Error using ==> mupadmex
Error in MuPAD command: Array sizes must match.
Error in ==> sym.minus at 14
X = mupadmex('mllib::zip',A.s,B.s,'_subtract');
Error in ==> relation at 9
c1 = ((2*n-1)*x*[relation(n-1),0] - (n-1)*[0,0,relation(n-2)])/n;

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