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Best solution to finding repeating characters on a line.
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I am looking for any instances of two characters (e/d) being repeated in a row greater then or equal to 10. I just want to either print every line that this occurs to the command line or stop and print the location of the stop everytime it is detected. Basically I am trying to find when e and d show up over ten times grouped together in a large data file. For example:
The script would then print out line 2 and line 4 in the command line.
Thank you for your help
Accepted Answer
on 13 Jul 2021
Edited: Stephen23
on 13 Jul 2021
inp = {'asdfsdfsdfsasdfsdfsdfsasdfsdfsdfs';'asseefadfefaaadddaaadddasdfsdf';'asdfsdfsdfsasdfsdfsdfsasdfsdfsdfs';'asseefadfefaaadddaaadddasdfsdf'};
rgx = '(.)(??$1*)(.?)(??[$1$2]*)';
spl = regexp(inp,rgx,'match');
idx = cellfun(@(c)any(cellfun(@numel,c)>9),spl);
Walter Roberson
on 13 Jul 2021
The bold text does not represent repetitions this time, not unless you mean repetition between lines. In the previous example there was two halves, with the second being the same as the first.
If the task is to find places where there is a string of at least 10 d or e characters then
can find that, and the 'once' and isempty and indexing from my Answer gives you the rest. It just depends on your having used readlines() on the file.
on 13 Jul 2021
Edited: Rena Berman
on 22 Sep 2023
Matthew Worker: are the specific characters known in advance? Or do you want to detect them automatically? (i.e. detect any two characters that are repeated more than 10 times contiguously)
Are there any particular patterns that you need to include/exclude? (e.g. does 10 'e' characters in a row count, or does the sequence have to include at least one 'd' character?).
More Answers (1)
Walter Roberson
on 13 Jul 2021
You say "10 or over", so is it correct that the program needs to all possible patterns? For example,
(length 22) should be located if it exists?
S = {'asseefadfefaaadddaaadddasdfsdf', 'asseeadadadadaaaadadadadaaadfsdf'}
matches = regexp(S, '([ad]{5,})\1', 'match');
Walter Roberson
on 14 Jul 2021
Example of reading from file:
%create a file for demonstration purposes only
tname = [tempname() '.txt'];
fid = fopen(tname, 'w');
T = regexprep('asseefadfefaaadddaaadddasdfsdf\nasseeadadadadaaaadadadadaaadfsdf\nasdfsdfsdfsasdfsdfsdfsasdfsdfsdfs\nasseefadfefaaadddaaadddasdfsdf\nasdfsdfsdfsasdfsdfsdfsasdfsdfsdfs\nasseefadfefaaadddaaadddasdfsdf\n', 'a', 'e');
fprintf(fid, T);
%okay, main function
filename = tname;
%okay, main function
S = readlines(filename);
matches = S(~cellfun(@isempty, regexp(S, '[de]{10}', 'once')));
%alternative without readlines
S = regexp(fileread(filename), '\r?\n', 'split');
matches = S(~cellfun(@isempty, regexp(S, '[de]{10}', 'once')));
%alternative without splitting
S = fileread(filename);
matches = regexp(S, '^.*[de]{10}.*$', 'match', 'dotexceptnewline', 'lineanchors');
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