How to plot a line on a log plot

21 views (last 30 days)
I am trying to plot a line on a log plot. I am using the same method as if I was to draw a line on a standard plot ie. hold on, plot(x,y) etc. Instead of plotting the line it just plots 2 dots. Is there any way to get around this?
the cyclist
the cyclist on 3 Sep 2013
Can you just post your code, or ideally a very distilled example that shows what you mean?
jnaumann on 3 Sep 2013
>> semilogy(x,final_matrix(:,2))
>> ylabel('Kurtosis')
>> hold on
>> plot([141/4 141/4],[0 4000],'--k')
The second plot function just plots two points rather than a line

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Accepted Answer

the cyclist
the cyclist on 3 Sep 2013
Edited: the cyclist on 3 Sep 2013
Well, I can't replicate your plot, because I don't have access to your variable final_matrix, but I am suspicious of your plot() command having a zero in it. log(0) is -Inf, so I think you may have a difficult time plotting that.

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