How can I fit data which is like that it will check directly several possible issue of fitting then in output it will give right fitted curve ?

1 view (last 30 days)
I have X and Y data and want to plot and then want to fit like that it can give result which is having nearest possible fit. As suppose first of all it will check first order polynomial then second order, and in output it have to give the which is good enough fit?

Answers (1)

Shashank Prasanna
Shashank Prasanna on 23 Aug 2013
If you are looking to do this automatically you can use Stepwise regression.
specify the 'polyijk' model spec. The function will choose the best model based on a specified criterion.
RS on 23 Aug 2013
2.07948 0.967031
2.08032 0.966973
2.08115 0.96657
2.08199 0.966362
2.08283 0.966502
2.08366 0.96667
2.0845 0.96647
2.08534 0.966484
2.08618 0.966465
2.08702 0.966699
2.08786 0.966858
2.0887 0.966567
2.08954 0.966397
2.09038 0.966323
I have this data? How can I fit using polyijk?

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