Not enough input arguments

2 views (last 30 days)
Jac on 19 Aug 2013
Answered: Bahloul Derradji on 8 Dec 2018
All input variables are provided for in the code below, but still running it gives the "Not enough input arguments" error message. Can anyone help out?
PS: the function is doing nonlinear least squares of a weighted average of variables (x(2) and x(3))
function F = myfun2(x,n,cn);
F = @(x,n,cn)x(1)+n.*log(1+(1-exp(-cn))*x(2)+exp(-cn)*x(3));
x=[0 0 0]
Fut=[5 4.9 4.8 4.65 4.5 4.3 4.05]
[x,resnorm] = lsqcurvefit(myfun2,x,n'-1-ct/12,Fut')

Answers (2)

Elad on 19 Aug 2013
Hey, From matlab help it seems that
lsqcurvefit is a function of ( fun , x , xdata , ydata ) where fun is a function of ( x , xdata )
your myFun2 is a function of 3 input arguments .. not 2
another quick tip you might use, you dont have to create myFun2 as a function, you can write as a function handle
cn = 0.5; myFun2 = @(x,n)x(1)+n.*log(1+(1-exp(-cn))*x(2)+exp(-cn)*x(3));

Bahloul Derradji
Bahloul Derradji on 8 Dec 2018
Try this code. It works.
the user defined function in a separate file named : myfun.m
function F = myfun(x,xdata,c)
F = x(1)*exp(c*xdata)+x(2)
the main script:
xdata = [3; 1; 4]; % example xdata
ydata = 6*exp(-1.5*xdata)+3; % example ydata
c = -1.5; % define parameter
x = lsqcurvefit(@(x,xdata) myfun(x,xdata,c),[5;1],xdata,ydata)
Good luck!


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