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Calling out from for loop

1 view (last 30 days)
Jane Smith
Jane Smith on 4 Jun 2021
Commented: Jane Smith on 4 Jun 2021
for i=0:7
I have this for loop and i want to call out the 6th term so i put it in an equation.
Can it be done?
Rik on 4 Jun 2021
What do you mean? What is your goal? Can you explain it a bit more?
Jane Smith
Jane Smith on 4 Jun 2021
I am trying to create the fibonacci search method from scratch. So in my mind i pictured of first output the sequence with this for loop then when working out the method, you need for example F_6=13 to use in the method's equation.
I want to take the 6'th i termn and used its answer.
before i tried it with f(n)=fibonacci(sym(n+1)) but it did not work.

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Accepted Answer

Dyuman Joshi
Dyuman Joshi on 4 Jun 2021
f = @(n)fibonacci(n)
f(6) =

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